Chapter 14 - Lovey-dovey

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The evening continued peacefully. After you accepted Namjoons' apology, Jin played the guitar and told us some jokes, just like Hoseok. At least everyone was laughing and the mood turned into a good one again.

But Namjoon's appearance didn't leave you cold.

Your thoughts still dealt with what he said to you.

Yoongi: "Can't you just stop moving? I can't sleep like this."

You tend your head towards the voice and winced as you saw Yoongi's face right next to you. He was literally staring at you and you thought he wasn't in a good mood after you didn't let him sleep.

You: "I'm sorry. I'll try."

You didn't notice that you were just staring back at him, but his face had a kind of a hypnotic effect since you could look at him so close. You could even feel his breath on your skin.

-Aish, why have this tent to be so small..-

As fast as you could, you turned your head back to the previous position.

Yoongi: "I can hear you thinking until here. What's wrong?" he suddenly asked.

You let out a deep sigh without looking at him again. Actually, you wouldn't guess he will ask you this.

You: "I just don't get why Namjoon acted like this before."

The longer break of silence made you think Yoongi fell asleep again but it wasn't like this.

Finally, you could hear a soft chuckle.

Yoongi: "I don't understand him either. But don't think about it too much. He will calm down and get used to you."

You: "I guess so."

But this wasn't the only thing you thought about. After a long time, you raised your voice again.

You: "Yoongi?"

Still not looking next to you, you waited for an answer.

Yoongi: "Hmm?" he mumbled half asleep with a husky voice.

You: "You said every Bangtan member has lost his parents. So Jimin has to lost his too.."

Yoongi: "You don't know it?"

You: "He never talked about it. He just told me it isn't important anymore."

Yoongi: "His father betrayed his mother and she committed suicide afterwards."

You swallowed as you heard this and continued to stare at the cover of your tent.

Yoongi: "After he left Bangtan and the dorm, he returned to his father. But this wasn't working out, as you can imagine. With the help of his father -in form of cash- he was able to rent his own apartment."

You: "I guess this isn't easy at all for him."

Yoongi: "You're right. At least he accepted his money but with the condition, he will pay him everything back right away."

You: "...I wish I could help him."

Yoongi raised his head and rested it on his arm to get a better view on you. With which you were forced to look at him as well.

Yoongi: "You are really fascinating. Actually, you should hate this guy.."

You only chuckled softly.

You: "I hate him for what he is doing. But I know he's doing those things because he's lost. He lost his connection to reality without even knowing. And I wish I could make him open his eyes and show him what he is doing."

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