Chapter 7 - Falling for you?

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Taehyung: "Min Yoongi, I just asked you something?"

Yoongi and Taehyung sat on a bench at the schoolyard after their class. They were supposed to wait for Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok to go to the city and eat dinner together afterwards. Jungkook wasn't coming with them. He said he had something to do and went to the dorm right after his class ended earlier, like Yoongi's.

But those 3 guys still had class, like the most of the other students.

Yoongi didn't notice that he stared the whole time at a girl who was sitting on the stairs in front of the school doors. That girl was you.

You were completely focused on reading a book and didn't notice something around you.

Taehyung waved his hand in front of Yoongi's eyes as he realized he wasn't listening.

Taehyung: "She's pretty interesting, huh?"

Yoongi flashed his friend a confused glare as he woke up from his stare.

Yoongi: "What? Why?"

Taehyung: "Well you're staring at her like a hungry wolf the whole time."

Yoongi's eyebrows crashed together and he gave Taehyung an odd look. Then he shook his head and looked again at you.

Taehyung: "I'm really wondering what's going on between you two. I know you scared her away but I don't know why."

Yoongi didn't answer him and continued to look ahead.

Taehyung: "You have to apologize to her."

Yoongi: "I haven't done something wrong so why should I?"

Taehyung: "This can't keep going on like that, Yoongi. I see this is eating you up."

Yoongi: "It was her choice. I had nothing to do with that."

Taehyung: "Nothing?"

The stare of Yoongi's friend drilled him. Taehyung didn't believe him and he could feel that.

Yoongi: "Nothing.."

Yoongi met his eyes and gave him a convincing look.

Taehyung shook his head desperately at his stubborn friend.

Taehyung: "If you don't go and apologize to her, I will annoy you forever. You know that."

Yoongi only rolled his eyes and sighed. How could he forget that Taehyung was as stubborn as he was.

------------------ Your View

Finally, you could completely focus on school stuff for once. Yesterday you borrowed some books from the library and now you were reading to prepare for your presentation. Since your class ended earlier today, you decided to stay here. You didn't forget your date with Jungkook. Your boss at the coffee shop gave you one day free, so you exceptionally had time this evening.

Jungkook would meet you here at 6 o'clock. Since your way back home would take 1 hour you would be too late if you would do it this way. Luckily you could use that time for studying.

Suddenly a basketball rolled towards your feet and stopped in front of you.

You looked up from your book and saw Yoongi walking towards you.

Yoongi: "Can you play?"

You looked confused at the ball again.

You only had basketball in sports class.

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