When We Were Young

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When We Were Young

I miss when we were young

And we sat by the river,

Making wooden boats,

Betting on whose would go faster.

When you sang me that song,

I still play it every now and then.

And when I do,

I remember how you hid behind your hair.

Because your voice was personal to you,

And I was too.

That was the first time I watched,

Your confidence falter.

I remember how lucky I felt,

To receive that piece of you.

I loved having our world collide.

I loved that I was a part of you

And you were a part of me.

But now its all just a memory;

Our world are nowhere near alike.

But sometimes at school

Our eyes will meet,

For a second to long.

And I'll think of that song.

And realize that although I probably

Never cross your mind.

You will always be,

Something constant,

Something distant,

Stuck in mine.

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