Chapter 3

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Since half the team of heroes left in Wave Rider, things were under control in Central City. Crime fighting never ended, for sure, but it was nothing Dinah, Kid Flash, Jesse Quick and the tech and research teams couldn't handle. Thank God there were no super villains' speedsters around and no Gorillas or shark people terrifying the town.

- Great job folks! – Cisco high fived Wally, Jessie and Dinah once they entered Star Labs. Iris came after them with Joe.

- Any news? – Iris said with a worried face. She trusted Barry could handle himself, he had so much back up, even with Supergirl that was invincible on their Earth, but she couldn't handle having not a single information about what they were up to or if they were ok.

- Nope! – He said looking at the software he installed to keep and eye if any urgent messages came in.

Back in the lab, Caitlin and Julian just got Sara's message and were trying to find any information about the crash of the ship in 1962 as they were asked to.

- I have some connections in the history department of Central City University, maybe they can tell me something...Wait – Julian picked his phone up as dialed.

- Ok. I will keep looking online.

Julian spoke with some of the people he knew, and no one could give him any useful information.

- I'm confused... - Julian scratched his forehead thinking out loud

- About what? – Caitlin turned around in her chair, getting face to face with Julian. She was taken by surprise as he had sit on his chair next to her, with his elbows on the desk, looking directly at her. She sat straightly and looked down, blushing

- The shipping crashing in 1962 wasn't supposed to happen right? So if it did, the future has not changed? People should know about it now...

- Well... I think this is something that maybe the government would like to hide...

- But these guys know about everything. Literally everything. They are called to deal with secret stuff... And they know nothing about it.

- Well I guess we need to bring this to the team then...

Julian held Caitlin's hand before she got up, smiling at her.

- Before we go... Want to grab a coffee later?

- Julian, we are in the middle of a crisis – She smiled back at him

- I know, this is just one more reason to grab a coffee. We will need the energy.

Caitlin gave him a smirk and left the room after telling him she would think about it.

They came into the cortex to meet everyone that was there, with an even more worried look on their faces.

- We just got this message from Sara. They need us to find out if there is any news about a space ship crashing in 1962. We looked everywhere, but we just found couldn't find nothing concrete. – Caitlin explained

- I'm confused. They already knew about it... - Joe said not getting what was going on

- Yes, they knew someone caused a time aberration crashing a ship there, and they knew the Legion of Doom was there as well. Now, Sara confirmed they are connected. And apparently they have someone with them that is from the future, the son of Hawkman and Hawkgirl...They need to confirm it as well - Caitlin said it looking at Cisco as she noticed he looked shocked out of sudden.

- They had a kid in the future? – Cisco looked at them, trying to pretend he did not care at all. But deep down, he cared. He used to like Kendra, it was hard to hear about she moving on and stuff like that, even if it was from the future.

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