Chapter 7

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Kara was in her pajamas she bought the other day, a light pink sleeveless baby doll that was almost feet-long, lay in her bed curled up and holding her bent knees, in a fetal position. She couldn't sleep at all, it was three in the morning and she felt uncomfortable knowing Oliver was so hurt because of her. She still believed that extreme violence like torture or killing was not the answer, but she forgot at all to stop and think about Oliver's life. She forgot that he was from a different universe, a darker city, and he had a dark past, he went to hell too many times literally speaking. She felt guilty, she felt many things at once. She sat on the bed, resting her back on the headboard as she wiped some tears from her eyes. The door slowly opened and she saw Oliver Queen unsure about what to do, looking serious at her.

- Come in – She said almost in a whisper.

Oliver came in, closing the door behind him. He was unsure about if it was a good thing coming to her bedroom this late. He wondered in his bed if she was sleeping, and now seemed he wasn't the only one having trouble with that.

- You can sit – She pointed the end of her bed

- Listen, Kara...

- Please let me talk first... - She said sitting properly and a bit closer to him, but keeping enough distance to not let it be awkward, cause here she was again, talking to a shirtless Oliver.

It was not an easy task doing anything near shirtless Oliver, so she tried to focus, looking down her hands. He nodded with his head while looking at her.

- I was talking to Sara when I realized I really know almost anything about you. – She started, getting up and feeling the need to move somehow – She didn't tell me details, but explained to me about some things... Things I couldn't even try to begin to understand. You see, my Earth is a shiny place, yes. But it also has its kind of darkness... I've seen it. I thought it was the worst thing out there until I came here and heard stories about you, about your city. I was wrong Oliver, to tell you that you didn't have to act like a monster. I was wrong because I couldn't understand it. I still believe in what I believe, that will never change but I can understand that we are not from the same universe and yours, sadly, is a dark place... So even if I didn't know about it, I had no right to tell you that. I don't think you are a monster, it camel all wrong by the way, I think you are a survivor and really brave to find courage and strength to do everything you do after all you suffered in life.

She took a deep breath, sitting again next to him. Oliver looked at her.

- I can see I can be scary sometimes, most of the times, actually... And I can see why you felt like you did back there. I saw the same look in Barry's face the first time he saw me torturing some criminal for information. And I promised him I would try to be better at this because he inspired me. And today I went back to my dark days, and I didn't like it. Yes, I was hurt by those words but I know I was wrong as well, that's why I needed space. To clear my head.

- Sara told me about Laurel...

- Damien took her from our lives, someone important to us, someone we loved. The pain is still inside me; I don't think it will ever go away. That's why I lost control... The same reason Sara lost control when she first saw him again a few months ago as she told me. It was a long process for us to understand that messing with the timeline can be dangerous, that we had to let him go, so history would take its course.

Kara listened trying to imagine going through all of that and having to face the responsible for their suffering, somebody that was still hurting others, and having to let him be, or the timeline would be screwed.

- I get it now; sometimes you have to go to extreme to save the day... Actually, I have experience in this department. My sister Alex had to kill my biological aunt Astra.

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