Chapter 4

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Kara, Sara, Oliver and Snart were standing still looking at the sky, where the Wave Rider had disappeared a few minutes ago. Kara had a blank face while Oliver tried to think something logical. Snart was not surprised and not in the mood of waiting for anything, so he started turning around but Sara stopped him.

- Where the hell are you going? – She looked serious in his eyes while pulling him closer to her, holding him by his arm.

- Not staying around, for sure.

- Yes, you are – She said not letting him go.

- Tell me again how we are trapped in 1962? – Kara murmured still in a state of trance.

She just couldn't be trapped anywhere. She had a family to go back to, an entire world to go back to. While she knew time passed by in a different way in this Earth, she could not risk leaving them all alone for too long. Desperation was starting to take over hell. Oliver looked at Kara, noticing her reaction like a panic attack, standing before her, with both his hands on her shoulders.

- Take a deep breath – He said in a low voice as he looked deep into her eyes.

Kara looked back at him, taking deep breaths as she inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to calm herself down. She closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating on the task of not freaking out. When she opened her eyes, Oliver was still in front of her, his hands were still on her shoulders and he was looking intensely into her eyes.

It was the first time Oliver was noticing how deep blue her eyes were. They had this sparkle that nobody else seemed to have. Like it was a characteristic exclusively hers.

- It happened before

Sara's voice made Oliver come back to reality as he took his hands out of Kara's shoulders and she gave him a shy smile, feeling the heat fill her cheeks as she blushed hard.

- What? – Oliver looked at Sara really confused this time, because she never mentioned to him being stuck in the past before. That was definitely new.

- It was a long time ago, we were in the 50's, terrible era by the way, and our ship was attacked and they left us behind. They never meant to, they were forced to do it. For them it was like they were gone for 20 minutes, then they came back, but for us, it was 2 years.

- 2 YEARS? For Rao... - Kara really felt scared now; she could not be that long away from home...

- Kara, breathe, remember – Oliver said looking worried at her

- Time travel is complicated. But if we would be stuck here for that long, for example, when you go back it would be like you were away 5 minutes or 20. And in your Earth things are different, so it would be everything ok, don't worry.

- I worry... Can't help it – She said looking around – So... What now?

- I wish the lady would let me go so I can go find my own way – Snart said looking impatiently at Sara.

Sara gave a small thug on his arm to keep him quiet as she looked back at him.

- You are not from here, just like the rest of us; you can't go fooling around by yourself. You are stuck with us, we find a way to deal with this together and go back together. You will go back to your original timeline and the rest of us back to where we belong. Got it?

- So you want to fool around with me then? Yes, got it – He said sarcastically as Sara let go of him, annoyed.

- There's one problem, our suits and equipment... Are all in the ship – Oliver said thoughtfully.

The good thing about having done this before is that Sara knew exactly what to do from now on and she was glad Gideon could provide her an upgrade on some devices they had back in the ship, so she smiled at them.

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