Chapter 1

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- Do you have any idea why Sara called us here? – Oliver said to Barry as he entered Star Labs with his team behind him. – All we have is a message about an urgent meeting.

It was night already and really cold outside. Oliver and his team met the rest of team Flash as they settled in Star Labs cortex. Felicity had warned them about a message coming from Sara, saying that she needed to talk to everyone at Star Labs and it was urgent: world in danger urgent.

- I wish I knew man; I'm just in the dark as you are... - Barry said crossing his arms worried.

Oliver enjoyed spending some time with their friends, but every time they gathered around, it was cause the world was ending or something like that. He wished to visit his friends in lighter times, but it always seemed impossible with their lives going crazy all the time and a new crisis happening every now and then. It got him worried all the time and he hated not knowing what he was worrying about, but all that was left for him to do, him and everyone else, was to wait.


- Gideon, what's our status? – Sara Lance let go the control of the ship, turning her seat around and facing everyone.
- Safe and sound Captain Lance.
- Great! – Sara left out a breath of relief.

It was one of those days she hated so much, where she feared for hers and everyone's lives, something on their plan went wrong and they ended up screwing things (usually the timeline itself). Once Rip managed to run away after damaging the Wave Rider, it took a long time to repair it; so naturally, they were attacked in the meantime by some time pirates. Sara knew it has the Legion of Doom's hands behind it; she just had to figure out how and why. She couldn't wait to wipe that pretentious smile out of Damien Dhark's face. She hated him so much and every time she faced him, she had to gather all her strength not to kill him. It got harder each time.
They were safe once again after a really hard battle with the pirate's ship. It was their luck Jefferson and Ray got to fix things up before the battle began, but as usual, things got ugly.

- So finally, we are able to see if everything is really ok with the ship, without interruptions – Jefferson said getting out of his chair.
- Yes, let's go. – Ray said going after him.
- I can't wait to get rid of those Legion jerks. – Mick said in a voice full of anger. – They are getting on my nerves... I feel like burning people!
- We don't even know if this was caused by them – Amaya said
- I think it was. And I know what you mean Mick, but we can't lose focus right now – Sara said getting off her chair as well. – I'm just glad we are alive by now.
- Yet, we have no idea what's Legion's next move. – Amaya worried as she got up as well – I know you think they sent the pirates after us, but it makes no sense.
- I have to agree with Amaya. They never sent others to do their dirty work – Stein commented, still in his chair
- We've dealt with time pirates once before, they had no reason to come after us now, there are no more time masters controlling the timeline, controlling us. It has to be them... We just have to figure out why... - Sara said walking around Gideon. – Please tell me you have some good news to us, Gideon.
- I don't know if you would call it good news, Captain Lance, but I do have some information. A time aberration was created by a ship falling in New Orleans, 1962.
- A ship? What kind of ship? – Nate asked
- I'm afraid I have no idea; all I know is that the ship is not from around.
- Around... Earth you mean? – Sara said in a suspicious voice. Something was telling her this was not good news, and she had a feeling it would end badly somehow.
- Yes. – Gideon said – I can't tell where the ship is from, but is not from Earth – past, present or future. Its material is strange to all earthly things; it does not exist on this planet.
- Please don't tell me we are dealing with the Dominators again... - Nate says also not getting a good feeling about this. – We wouldn't be able to deal with them by ourselves.
- If we need help with this, we know who to call. – Sara said walking in circles as she thought about many different things that could possibly be happening – Hum...Gideon, what is the last location of the Legion of Doom?
- New Orleans, 1962.
- I KNEW IT! – Sara slapped hard the table – Guys, the whole pirate stuff was just a distraction...
- While we were busy fighting them, the Legion were up to God knows what back in 1962... - Nate completed the sentence
- If this is not a ship from around, and the Legion is connected to it somehow, we need help. If this is like that Dominators situation, we need help big time – Ray said coming back to the room – By the way the ship is truly fixed.
- We are ready to jump – Jefferson said smiling proudly.
- Ok guys. We'll go back to Central City, 2017. I'm sending Felicity a message as well. – Sara sat back in her chair, turning it around. She took a deep breath, feeling in her gut this was going to be way worse than the last alien invasion. – Let's go home!

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