Chapter 6

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Things were out of control in Star Labs and seemed impossible that they could get out of this situation without people getting hurt. Fel Andar, the Thanagarian alien, walked furiously back into the cortex and went straight to Amaya. He held her by the neck, changing places with Eobard. He started squeezing her neck as he looked at the others. Nobody moved, knowing what would happen if they did. The only one who could deal with an alien was not among them right now, so they couldn't risk it. They knew nothing about him, what were his powers, nothing at all. He could turn Amaya into ashes or maybe turn them all into ashes. It was not a smart thing to risk it.

- I've looked everywhere... EVERYWHERE. The spear is not here – Fel said looking at Eobard.

- I knew there was something wrong about you – Mick said dying to burn that alien down.

- SHUT UP! – Fel yelled at him. – Humans are way too dumb and stupid, no wonder so many races want to dominate you all!

- You are so smart and superior and you let a human tell you what to do... - Ray said thinking out loud again.

- The thing is, we have a deal here. These guys don't tell me what to do; I do it because I want to, and because I'm getting something in return. You will bring us the spear or dear Amaya here will suffer in my hands, you have no idea what I can do and this time, there is no kryptonian here to help you.

Amaya tried to call the strength of many different animals, but nothing worked. That alien was really powerful and she felt helpless. She looked at Nate and Mick saying with her eyes there was nothing she could do. Not against an alien.

Caitlin, Julian, Felicity and Cisco were in the back of the cortex, in a corner. All the super powered people were in front of them and neither of them had any idea what to do against Reverse Flash, that alien and Malcolm. Caitlin was taking deep breaths as she felt a wave of fury trying to overcome her. Julian was by her side and noticed the changing in her.

- Caitlin? Caitlin what is going on? – Julian said worried.

- Is her... - Caitlin whispered desperate – Killer Frost is trying to take over. Not even the necklace is working...

- Try to breathe – He said in a low voice – You are under a lot of stress right now, this is a life or death situation, so it's possible she is trying to surface for self-protection...

- But I can't let her take over. I have no control when she comes and not even her stand a chance against them. Someone might get really hurt because of it...

She sounded way more desperate by the second, her hands were shaking and her eyes were turning blue. She tried to lean her back against the wall and close her eyes, but it was too hard. She could feel and heard her whispering in her head how she wanted to freeze those Legions's ass and whoever else got in her way. This would certainly get some of them killed. She just couldn't be a killer, responsible for the death of someone dear to her.

- It's too hard... - Caitlin said opening her eyes. They were electric blue now and her hands were shaken.

- Caitlin, you need to breath...I trust you; I know you can do it...

- I can't.... I'm sorry

Julian looked around noticing everyone was focusing on the Legion and their threat to them to notice things were getting out of control. He couldn't take Caitlin away from there, they would kill Amaya and he couldn't let Caitlin become Killer Frost as well, he had to help her somehow. He thought then about the only thing that he could do, so he turned around, getting in front of Caitlin and kissed her. He held one hand on her waist and the other caressed her cheek as he felt she kissing him back, starting to relax. Little by little she was getting more relaxed, forgetting for a while all that mess that surrounded them. Julian broke the kiss apart, his face just inches from hers as he looked her deep in her eyes.

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