Chapter 9

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It was late night at Star Labs. Everyone was still at the cortex, recovering from the fight they just had with Legion of Doom. Cisco hugged Felicity in a corner as Diggle came in with the rest of team Arrow for news about Oliver.

- We don't know... - Cisco said sadly and full of worry.

- I'm glad Kara put that bastard on his place – Felicity said full of anger in her voice – Malcolm tried to kill his own daughter, John... This was really low even for him... I can't, I just can't...

- He is a bastard. It's a shame we can't kill him again. – Diggle said sitting beside them

- It would screw the timeline, but is good to know future him will suffer. – Cisco said.

In Star Labs corridors, Julian and Caitlin sat on the ground, their backs resting on the wall, both completely exhausted from the surgeries they just did. Caitlin's nerves were taking over her once again and she was fighting hard not to have a nervous breakdown.

Julian took a look at her, noticing her inner struggle. He reached for her hand and squeezed it, smiling at her.

- You did it, Snow... We did it.

- We don't know yet... They can die at any second...

- They won't – He said getting closer to her as he looked into her eyes, his hand still on hers – I have faith in you... In... Us.

Caitlin looked at him, smiling back as she heard that last part. It was sweet of him to be there for her through the whole craziness that her life has become.

- I'm glad you are here, Julian. Thank you. It really means a lot. – She thought for a second and kept going – You know, your invitation for coffee is still on? I would love to, after everything that happened...

- Sure it is...

- Perfect. – She said getting closer to him as her lips brushed his slowly. – Let's just wait 'til everyone is fully recovered – I felt so proud watching you work with me; you have no idea – She smiled

- We make a good team, Snow – He said, closing the space between them, kissing her slowly as his hand caressed her cheeks.

Kara took a deep breath inside the medical area, after looking at how Thea was doing. Then, she walked slowly to Oliver's bed, her hands covering her mouth as tears fell down her eyes. She couldn't feel like stopping them from falling anymore anyways. She was used to see him all so strong, fighting others amazingly; she forgot completely how risky it was for him, being only human. He was a remarkable human being, he had skills she only dreamt a person would have, and still, he could die at any second. She got closer to his bedside and sat in a stool, caressing the side of his face slowly. There was a bunch of monitors around him, so many wires connected to his body, a huge bandage around his stomach. It all looked like a horror film she hated watching so much.

- It is so weird to see you like this... - She said in a weak voice as she wiped her tears from her eyes – I'm sorry I didn't see it coming. I feel responsible for this, somehow... I should have thrown them into space the second we got back, none of this would have happen... You wouldn't be fighting for your life like you are now... So, I'm sorry – She sobbed as more tears came from her eyes.

She got up feeling nervous. All that waiting got on her nerves quickly. She started pacing around the room as she looked at the ground, taking a deep breath.

- It's so messed up... Everything. I wasn't supposed to feel like this, I was supposed to come here, help you guys and go back home to my Earth. I'm not even from around. I'm not even human... I don't know how this works, I mean my cousin does a pretty good job and he has Lois, a human... - She looked at his bed, smiling to herself – I'm rambling again, I know... - She got closer to him again, taking his hand on hers, caressing it slightly. – I wasn't supposed to care for you the way I do, and I fear that this will bring nothing but suffering for both of us. Everything you told me before that first kiss of ours, I thought about it as well. I had millions of chances to kiss you and never did because of that. Now you almost died and I realized I never told you about this. I don't know if you are hearing anything I say, but I'll say it anyways...

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