Rants(Not a story but you can read it)

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Ok I have a few rants. Now you might not agree with me on these but please don't get in my face if anyone ever reads this!

First is about Nico's sister, Bianca. She... Where should I start. Well I guess I should clear up is that I do love Bianca and wish she hadn't died but I do have a few issues with her. The main one being she completely ditched her brother! Yeah I get she had been looking out for him for years but that's what sisters do! But not this sister she's given a chance to shove that responsibility on someone else and she does.

Bianca literally joined the hunters to get away from Nico. Think about it from Nico' point of view.

You get saved by some really cool people (and a really handsome guy...) and you think you and your sister are going to be able to live your card game in real life! Together! But wait... She joined the hunters? Well we will still get to see each other and hang out right? No. She has to go away now and for a very long time and you will hardly be able to see her.

Oh but wait there's more now there is a really dangerous quest and your beloved sister, who has had very little training, is going on it. Your only option is to ask that handsome guy that saved you and is absolutely awesome in your eyes to watch out for her and to protect her.

What happens? Your sister dies on the mission but you can't accept that it could be her fault! Yes she did join the hunters but she would never do something to take her away from you permanently right? What other choice do you have but to flip out on the guy you thought could and would protect her? Since your sister is gone and you know that you're different and you just attacked a guy you thought you could call a friend you run. You run and do not look back. Even when he calls your name.

He saved Annabeth didn't he?! Why could he not save Bianca?! You make it your mission to contact your sister and damn the consequences. Because you are a little kid who had your heart and trust ripped out of you.

Bianca left her brother because she felt over whelmed. Even Percy realized it when she did it. He knew why she did it and could not wrap his head around why you would abandon your own family! And of course Percy blames himself for her death. But in reality what killed her was a guilty conscious. Because she picked up a statue she thought her brother would like because she felt bad for leaving him.

In short I am sad that she died but Bianca messed up majorly. In the end she tells Nico to trust Percy but it doesn't really do much because of her actions Nico doesn't trust anyone.

----Rant 2----

Ok now towards the end of the books I do like Jason's & Piper's relationship. But can we talk about how unhealthy it really was and kind of still is?

Piper loved Jason because of lies placed in her head by Hera. But Piper never really got over those lies because she never considered maybe he isn't right for me because she still wants those lies to be truths. So Piper carries on liking Jason and just finds more and more reasons to fall for him.

Jason's end of the deal is at lest a bit more genuine. He didn't have any fake memories. But he woke up and was told Piper was his girlfriend. Yes they moved on from that and really tried to become girlfriend and boyfriend but I think a big part for both of them was to live up to these fake memories that had been implanted.

Can we also think about how quickly they went? Jason literally wakes up-no memories, Piper has fake ones she wants to be real. They go on a quest and grow 'closer' and next thing you know they are together. And really neither one thought for a second that they could possibly date someone else. I mean for Gods sake Jason started to remembered and question what Reyna was to him but kept going.

Now one of the biggest signs that it was a bit unhealthy was Piper comparing every guy and every relationship to Jason and their own relationship. She compares everything without even realizing she's doing it!

In short I do love them and do ship them I just... Not nearly as much as I ship say... Frazel or... Solanglo! It just doesn't seem like it was built on a healthy base is just my opinion.


Now I might add to this later but this is it for now. Again please no hate. And if you think that there is a topic that bugs you comment your opinion and I'll think about adding a rant about that if I agree.

Love ya!


----Rant 3----

OK this one is about a certain thing in fanfics that drives me nuts.

Ignoring cannon Sexuality.

If someone is cannonly gay you can't just write them as straight! I get it if you say ship someone with someone who they aren't with but when that ship goes against their sexual preferences it's ridiculous! If I had a bi person and ship them with a girl character but in the book they are with a guy that's fine it goes with the person's sexuality.

This isn't just in the Pjo fandom either it's in all of them! I don't care if you take say a chick who is straight and ship her with a different boy but when you take a gay character and make them straight!? NO.

Or you know people who connonly can't date have a relationship with someone who can but is cannonly in one... That's annoying too.

You can ship who ever you want but if you are going to write a fanfiction don't change someone's sexuality. Just don't.


----Rant 4----

If you are going to write a fanfiction... Don't change the very aspects of the characters' personality.

If you change who they are it isn't a fanfic. It's a stupid excuse for a book.

Here's an example; Percy would never in a million years be a player-jock-bully. He just wouldn't do it.

It's so frustrating to see people do dumb crap like that. If a character is beloved it's because of their personality. You change that and it's no longer that character. Gods...


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