Chapter 7: JJ is a Jackass

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Y/S/N: Your Ship Name
Y/N's P.O.V.
He quickly kissed me. I could tell I was a blushing mess. We decided to go back to his room and feed the kitten. He was smirking the entire time.

"YURI PLISETSKY WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!" I yell at him. He smirks. "Whatever do you mean?" I flip him off. "Oh you know exactly what I mean!" He shrugs.
"I only tell the truth. You could always give me my jacket back though. Since you have your Thailand jacket." I hug the jacket closer to my body. It's too big for me, but that makes it better. "I like this one though!" I whine. He rolls his eyes and grabs the kitten. "What should we name him?" I ask. He picks up the cat. "How about Julius Caesar?" (A/N: Shout out to all my Shakespeare nerds!) I nod. "It was one of my favorite books. Lots of tragedy and death." He says casually.

"I HEARD THERE WAS A CAT! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME?" JJ says bursting into Yuri's room. "Get out of my room jackass." Yuri says glaring at him. "Oh he's a scary little boy. Protect me JJ." His annoying fiancé says.
"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that bitch! You can do so much better than him by the way." I say. "Now now there's no need to protect him. It's good that he has you, he'll need someone to cry to when he loses tomorrow!" JJ says with a laugh.
"Fight me." I say getting up in his face. Yuri pulls me away. "Don't waste your breath on him. Besides, anyone who wears sunglasses on their head like that is a douche!" He says pulling me into his chest. Thankfully Viktor, Phichit, and Yuuri all show up. Viktor and Phichit immediately starts fangirling when he sees me and Yuri. JJ walks away with his whore of a fiancé.

"YOU BETTER RUN YOU OLD HAG!" Yuri says from the door. He clearly hates them as much as I do. "Now now Yurio no need to yell at the competition. I'm sure you'll do great tomorrow." Viktor says with his normal, stupid smile. "So what'd you guys name the cat?" Yuuri asked. "Julius Caesar." Yuri says happily. This boy really loves cats doesn't he? He went from pissed to happy just by mentioning the cat. He pulls Caesar into his lap and pets him.

"WHY ARE YOU IDIOTS STILL IN MY ROOM?" Yuri exclaims. It's currently (9 in the afternoon) Midnight and he needs to be well rested for tomorrow. "Because we needed some cute Y/S/N moments!" Viktor whined.
"Yeah our page is gaining followers and they're thirsty for Y/S/N!" Phichit added. Yuri rolls his eyes. "If we take a picture for you will you leave us alone?" He asks. They nod eagerly. He grabs my hand so that our rings and visible and leans in to kiss me. It's now deep and passionate, it's short and romantic. They look at the picture and Viktor gasps.

"ARE THOSE PROMISE RINGS!?!?" He screeches.
Viktor and Phichit start running around. We open the door and they run out, still in a fangirl frenzy. Viktor comes back to the door. "Yuuri we should get some like that!" He says with a wink. The Japanese boy turns fifty shades of red and chases after the grey haired boy.
Viktor: Author~Chan! It's platinum and you know it!
Author~Chan: Viktor you can't break the fourth wall!
Yuri: Should I thrown my knife shoes at him?
Author~Chan: Next time, which is why there shouldn't be a next time!

"Well I guess they know now." I say laughing a bit. "I guess." He seems much calmer now, less likely to throw knife shoes at someone. I like this version of him more. I snap back to reality and realize I was staring at him. Shit.

Authors note: Hey basically nonexistent readers atm! Sorry I haven't updated, I went out of town and my schedules been crazy! I might post another chapter tonight, but idk. This book doesn't really seem to be picking up, but maybe soon? Idk I hope so.

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