Chapter 13: Salty Otabek

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A/N: Instead of hanging out with my friend or gee idk sleeping I'm writing this so enjoy. Also shout out to Edgy_Alex because they're and amazing human. (Read their books!) I'm also going to start putting chapter titles, but don't expect them to be very serious.

Y/N's P.O.V.
This was our first day training with Lillia. Great. "She can't be that bad." I say to Yuri as we walk to the studio. "Tch, clearly you've never met her." This is true, I haven't. "Whatever. I bet she's lovely."

SHE'S NOT LOVELY! As soon as I got there she wanted to see how flexible I was, so she lifted my leg as high as it would, and then forced it to go farther. "Fucking hag let her go!" Yuri exclaimed, but she didn't listen. "Hmm not very flexible. You'll need work." When she's out of earshot Yuri whispers to me. "See what I mean?" I roll my eyes. "Yuri she's not that bad." "She almost snapped your leg off!" "Yuri your exaggerating."

I haven't done ballet since I was little, but I thought I could pick it back up. Boy was I wrong. "No no no. You're doing it all wrong. You need to be able to be reborn as many times as necessary." She yells. Yuri snickers from where he is. "You think it's funny do you? 20 push-ups. Both of you. Now." Well this went from ballet to hell.

By the time we actually get to skate my legs feel so sore that I can barely walk. I get and idea. I jump on his back.
"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING? BAKA!" He yells. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Yura my legs hurt. Carry me!!!!" "Tch you're lucky I love you." I glance down at the shiny gold ring on my hand. "Yeah, I am." I says softly.

Viktor's P.O.V.
Their competition is next week, and I think they're ready. "You guys did great today, you're ready to kick the others asses." Lyla says to them. "Guys I'm going to propose to Yuuri." They all look at me shocked. "What?" "Uh Viktor are you sure?" (A/N: Viktor and Yuuri have been dating for two years now because I can do that. Hahaha I have too much power.)
Y/N asked. "Of course I'm sure why wouldn't I be. By the way, Yurio and Y/N you're coming to dinner with us." They looked at me dumbfounded. "I DON'T WANT TO WATCH YOUR LOVE FEST OLD MAN!" He said beginning to march out. "I'll go." Y/N said shrugging. Yurio ran back. "What time did you say the reservations were?" I laughed. "7 at Vista." I say smiling. He agreed to come. I invited some of the other skaters from the Grand Prix Finals. Like Chris, Otabek, Phichit, and even JJ. Okay Phichit posted on twitter and he 'happened' to be in town, but whatever.

Yuri's P.O.V.
"Grandpa Y/N and I are going to dinner tonight." I said while Y/N got ready. "Really? Where?" "Vista. Viktor wanted Y/N and I to be there when he proposed to Yuuri." I explained. "Well then go get ready." I sighed and went upstairs in search of a suit. I couldn't wear the one from the banquet because I got sick in the limo, I won't go into detail. I wore the blue one from my dance off with the pig.

When we got there I saw the the skaters from the Grand Prix Finals. Damn really want this to be memorable. I thought. Otabek was there too. IF YOU EVEN LOOK AT Y/N I'LL FUCKING CUT YOU YOU PIECE OF- "Yuri?" Y/N asked waving her hand in front of my face. "Huh? Sorry I spaced out for a second." I mumbled.

Otabek kept looking at her, I know he never got her number. HA BITCH SHE'S MINE! I laughed. "Um Yurio are you okay? Nobody said something funny." Chris asked.  "MY NAMES NOT YURIO!" "Awww is the angsty kitten upset?" Y/N asked smirking. "Fuck Y/N why are you so cute?" I whisper. "Ha I'm a piece of trash, but thanks."

I guess Viktor got brave enough to do it, because after the entree he was on his knee with a ring. "Yuuri Katsuki, we've been together two years now, and I can't think of someone I'd rather spend my life with. Will you marry me?" I swear Yuuri almost fainted, but he managed to get out a yes before bursting into tears. "Y-yes!" Then they kissed, stupid love fest. "CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ENGAGEMENT!" Phichit says getting up and clapping, this time it was true.

"So Yuri-chan you and Y/N are fifteen right?" JJ asked. "Yeah what about it?" I said taking a sip of water. "So three years until we congratulate you two." I almost choked. We looked at him confused. "W-we've only been together for a couple of months." She stammered. "Y-yeah. It's t-too early to think about things like that!" I exclaimed. "So what's with the jewelry then?" Chris asked. "Um they'rejustsomeoromiseringswegot." She said quietly and quickly. "Ohhh OK. I'll start planning the wedding." Chris says with a smile. "I have to leave." Otabek says and basically runs out.

Otabek's P.O.V.

Who was I kidding? She loves Yuri, and he loves her

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Who was I kidding? She loves Yuri, and he loves her. Why would she leave him for me?
"Otabek?" I hear a voice ask. I don't look behind me. I know who it is, and I don't want them to see my tears. "I-it's fine Y/N. I had to go anyways." I say and continue walking. "OTABEK TURN AROUND RIGHT NOW AND LOOK AT ME!" She yells. I do as she says. She's standing there, and I can see the passion in her eyes. She doesn't give up easily does she? A perfect quality in a figure skater, something I lack. "Why?" I ask. "W-what?" "Why did you choose him?" Tears well in her eyes. "I-it was always him. You're a great guy Beka, but ever since I met him I knew it was him." I can see Yuri running towards us. I lean in to kiss her, but she pushes away. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?" She yells. "Y/N? Are you okay?" He asks when he gets to us. She looks at me with fear and nods. "Otabek needs to go. Let's leave him be." She says with her voice shaking. They walk away hand in hand. I feel my heart shatter and I drop to my knees. What was I thinking?!?! I'm so stupid.

A/N: Hi! How's it going? Has anyone seen Mercy Street? It's a really good show that I highly recommend. It takes place during the Civil War in a hospital. Basically Gray's Anatomy: 1800s version. I don't recommend it if you're sensitive to blood though.
On another note, you should try coconut milk and tea. It's really good and easy to make. 👍

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