Chapter 10: Drunk Yuri ll

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A/N: So what I wrote got deleted and idk why so I had to rewrite it and I'm a lazy ass so it took a while. Sorry.
F/S: Favorite song
F/Y: Favorite Youtuber

Viktor's P.O.V.

"Hey Phichit." I whisper. "What?"
"Today is going to be a big day for our OTP. There's going to be lots of photo ops, and they're probably going to try to run and hide. Keep an eye on them at all times, but don't let them know." I whisper and he nods.

When we get there Yuuri was dragged into this as well, although he wasn't very enthusiastic. This was probably illegal but nobody cares.

Y/N's P.O.V.
After about an hour F/S came on.
"Hey this is your favorite song right?" Yuri asked. I nod. "Well then canwemaybeIdon'tknowdance." He says nervously. I laugh at the so called 'Russian punk's' nervousness. "Sure why not?" He leads me onto the dance floor. I don't know why, but I feel like we're being watched. When he spins me, I can see Viktor taking pictures left and right. I want to tell at him, but I'd rather keep dancing with Yuri.

When the song finishes I tell him what I saw. He glares daggers at Viktor, but I stop him from doing anything.
"Let's just enjoy the party!" I say. He's reluctant, but agrees. We grab some iced tea, but it tastes different. Weird. I recognize it, but I can't place my finger on it.

Oh shit. Ohshitohshitoshitohshit. So I figured out what was in the tea. Yknow just alcohol. Harmless right? NOT FOR FUCKING 15 YEAR OLDS! I realized it was alcohol when my vision blurred every so often and of course the fact that Yuri was drunk. Fucking light weight. I find Viktor dancing with Yuuri, that's what I'm going to call it, but it was more on the rated R side of things. "HEY VIKTOR!" He looks at me with a grin. "Oh hey Y/N how do you like the party?" I roll my eyes. "It's fine. Yuri's drunk though and I'm feeling a little tipsy. Can we go back to the hotel?" He stops doing whatever it is he and Yuuri were doing to think. "Well the driver's not supposed to be here until the end, so you'll have to keep an eye on him till then." He says and goes back to doing something I will never get out of my head.

I go back to where I last saw Yuri, but he's not there. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. FUCK! I start looking everywhere, but I can't find him. I get my phone out and text him.
Me: Where the hell are you???
My idiot: Y/N! i'm oUtSIde NEaR tHe wINdOw. I cOulDN't find thedoR.
Me: Holy shit you're really drunk. I'm coming you idiot.

I put my phone in my purse and go outside. Sure enough, he's at a window looking inside like a creep.
"Yuri someone's going to call the cops. Why'd you even come out here?" I ask. It's freezing and I want to go back inside. He shrugs and starts looking in the window again. I pull him away. I can't do this for another few hours. I decide to just call an Uber, but before I can Yuri pushes me against the wall. "Why do you want to leave the find just getting started." He whispers. He tilts my head up to his and kisses me. This kiss is different, it's more full of lust and desire. I pull away. "Yuri.....Stop." he looks at me confused. "Do you not want this?" He asks. "Maybe one day, but right now you're drunk. Let's just go back to the hotel." I say and call the Uber. I can tell he's disappointed, but I can't take advantage of him like this.

*Time skip brought to you by knife shoes*

Yuri's P.O.V.
Ugh my head is pounding. How did I get drunk? I remember the tea tasted strange. I see Y/N asleep next to me. Fuck we didn't.....No I still have clothes on. Okay good.

"YURIOOOO!"Someone yells bursting into my room. The pounding intensifies, and I can't tell at them. I look at the person and see that it's Viktor. "What do you want old man?" I mumble. He just laughs. "Poor Yurio has a hangover. Anywho, we're flying back to Russia tomorrow to start you and Y/N's pair skate coaching. So get some rest!" He says before slamming the door. Fuck that man.

*whoo another time skip*

Viktor's letting us take his private jet to Russia. This man has too much money for an idiot. I noticed Y/N was awfully quiet. Maybe shes just tired, J mean its two am. As soon as the plane starts to take off I feel someone grip my arm tightly. I look at Y/N and see that her eyes are wide with fear. "Are you okay?" I ask. She looks at me and slightly shakes her head. "Flight anxiety?" She nods. I lift up the armrest and pull her into a one armed hug. I feel her body relax. A few minutes later I pull up a video from F/Y. He/she announced a live stream later today. Maybe it'll help her stay calm.

When the plane lands Viktor rushes us to the ice rink immediately. Her coach is already there. "You two are probably tired, so today you two are just going to get used to skating together." Her coach says. "By the way, I'm Lyla." She says. (A/N: If your name is Lyla just change it.) I shake her hand and get my skates out. I went with the black ones with flames because they're pretty new and have good support. "We don't really care what you two do, consider this a free day. This is really just so we can see your strengths and weaknesses together." Viktor says. Y/N and I nod. This is the rink I've practiced in a majority of my life. "Wanna try a lift?" I ask Y/N. She nods. I lift her up and she's pretty light. I do a spin while lifting her and it's surprisingly easy. I set her down and we practice a few jumps. Triple Salchow, triple axle, quadruple flip, quadruple toe loop. I say to myself as I execute them. When practice is over we all walk to a nearby coffee shop so that we can talk about this.

"So first of all we definitely want that spin where you're lifting her up in our choreography, and we want you to do a couple of jumps in sync." They explain. We nod as they continue to talk about the choreography. I'm just happy to be doing this with my girlfriend. She lays her head on my shoulder as they talk. They're not exactly entertaining, but it's important.
After a few hours of talking they finish the choreography and explain it to us.

"Think you can do it?" Y/N asks as we arrive at my house. I want her to meet grandpa. I smirk. "Of course I can." I give her a small peck and walk in.

A/N: I hope you liked it! Sorry it took so long to finish. I'm currently working on a huge editing project, but I'll try to update this as much as I can.

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