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Yuri's P.O.V.
"Yuri you need to understand...... I don't want to do this to you, but its whats best for both of us." Y/N said. I felt my heart break in two. "No Y/N don't do this. We can work this out!" I said. "" I-I'm sorry!" She said. As her car raced over the finish line, mine trailed behind gaining 2nd Place. "This is why we never play Mario Kart!" I said and flopped down on my bed. "It's not my fault you suck!" She said teasingly. "I don't sick idiot. 2nd place is still good!" "That's what losers say!" I turned the console off and started scrolling through Instagram. "Hey Yuri?" "Yeah?" "......we're going to Japan." I sat up and threw my phone towards my pillow. "Why?" "Viktor texted me saying he booked a flight and that we need to come down IMMEDIATELY." "Okay. How long though?" "He says two weeks. It actually works out since our next competition is in Japan. Actually the city its in isn't too far from Hasetsu. About a four hour drive actually." She said. "Alright well I guess we should get packed." She nodded and went to her room. I know she was only a few rooms over, but I miss her presence already.

We arrive in Japan early the next day. For some reason, Phichit is there to greet us. "Y/N! I NEED MORE PICTURES FOR OUR PAGE! WE'RE SLACKING AND PEOPLE KNOW IT! I JUST LOST THREE FOLLOWERS LAST NIGHT!" He screamed. Then he hugged her and cried into her shoulder.

"Y/N YURI!!!!!" Viktor screeched when we walked into the house. "Are you excited to meet them?" Yuuri asked. "Meet who?" I'm very confused, and its quite evident. "Oh I uh didn't tell him. Thought you two should tell him in person." She says sheepishly. My parents glance at each other, take a deep breath and make eye contact with me.

"We adopted some Smol children."
"YOU DID WHAT!?" I yelled. "Well to understand, lets go back a few months." Viktor says and gazes off into the distance with Yuuri.

Yuuri's P.O.V.
(I don't do his POV enough so here)
Viktor and I were sitting on the couch planning our wedding when I had a wonderful idea. "Hey Viktor?" "Hmm?" "I.....I want to adopt kids." He looked at me blankly, before a heart shaped smile spread across his face. "DO YOU REALLY MEAN THAT?" I nodded. We started researching adoption agencies, then went back to our wedding planning. When we were done with that we banged on the couch.

Y/N's P.O.V.
"And that's how it happened."
"Y/N I can't believe you didn't tell Yurio. Hes their big brother!" Viktor complained. He even made me pull out my phone to show the texts.

Mr. Grey: Y/NNNNNN
Mr. Grey: Can you tell Yuri about his new sibling(s)? He blocked Yuuri and I. Also tell him his father loves him and misses him and he better call!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Okay.

I love this family. It's very normal. "Okay lets see the babies!" I say happily. Viktor and Yuuri go upstairs and return with two children both wrapped in grey blankets......I wonder if Viktor was drunk and accidentally dyed the blankets instead of his weave. The one Viktor is holding is sobbing, while Yuuris is calmly sleeping. Viktor insists that they switch, but when they do the sleeping one begins to cry and the crying one settles down. "Its no use!" Viktor forces his kid into Yuuri's hands. "They all hate me!" He dramatically flops down onto a couch. We all ignore Viktor, much to his dismay. "What are their names?" I ask. "Nadia and Aidan." "Oh so it's the same name but backwards." Yuri says chuckling. "WAIT YUURI YOU DIDNT TELL ME THIS!!! THEY'RE MY CHILDREN TOO!" Yuuri rolls his eyes. "Anyways, you and Yuri have a competition Coming up right?" he asks. "Yeah its actually only a few hours away from Hasetsu. Since Viktor is one of our coaches we thought maybe he could come.....?" I say hopefully. "ID LOVE TO COME!" "Alright so the town is four hours away which means we'll be taking a road trip with a crying baby. Oh the kids are coming too which means a crying baby, two nice children, mother, and the two of us. What could go wrong?" I say.

Literally. Everything.

"Y/N YOU DID NOT JUST CALL ME A CRYING BABY!!!!!!" The weave master screams.

A/N: Well holo everyone hows life? That's good/bad/decent. this ones shorter then most chapters, but I wanted the road trip to have its own chapter. Dont die! Bye ^_^

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