Chapter 7

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*3 Days Later*

Marley's P.O.V.

So it's been three days and I'm currently dating Shawn. Hannah's dating Nash and Hayes and Carolyn are the most adorable and at the same time the most annoying couple on the face of the earth. Tonight the guys have a surprise for us and it's complete chaos in our hotel room. All three of us are running around the room trying to find something to wear, doing our hair,or doing our makeup (and at the same time blasting a combination of JB, E3, and R5).

"HANNAH! WHERE ARE MY CONVERSE?!" I hear Carolyn yell over the music.

"HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?!" She yells back. I'm surprised that none of the guys have come running in hear demanding to know what's going on. Because honestly we sound like a bunch of dying whales. I walk over to where Carolyn's Converse are and hand them to her.

"Here. You happy now?" I say only half annoyed. She nods and skips off singing "Sunset Blvd" by Emblem3 at the top of her lungs and very off key. I swear that girl sometimes acts like she's 2. I don't know why she's singing like that. She's actually a pretty good singer. I grab my purple Vans and put them on. I look at my outfit in the full-length mirror. Purple shirt, jean shorts, and of course my Vans. My nails are painted pink and I put on my guitar guitar pick necklace. (it has a guitar on it) My hair was straight on the top and it was in loose curls at the bottom. I see Hannah come out of the bathroom and I instantly have to say something about her outfit. It is absolutely gorgeous even though she was only wearing a black t-shirt, and jean shorts with black Vans. "Oh my gosh! I love your outfit." Her nails were painted light blue with shimmery pink on top and she had a pink guitar pick necklace that had a heart on it around her neck. Her hair was just like mine today, in loose curls only at the bottom. I turn around to see Carolyn's outfit. She had a black shirt that said: "normal is boring" on it and a green, high-waisted skirt. She had on the high-top Converse that she was begging for earlier, and a guitar pick necklace that had a C on it. I liked her outfit. Her Nails were painted plain white, but it looked like her hair took hours even though it probably took about 20 minutes. It was in loose curls and it had a small braid going through the back. I noticed all three of us had the matching bracelet our dad got us when we were 9 just to make it look like he cared about us. With a dad like that, you have to learn to grow up fast.

"Ready to go?" I ask. Hannah and Carolyn both silently nod. I guess they noticed the bracelets too. We don't really like to talk about our dad. I grab my phone that has a phone case that matched my nails, and waited for Carolyn to turn off the music. She grabs her Stay Weird phone case and puts it on her phone. We walk outside and see the guys waiting for us.

"Were you three killing animals in there?" Jack G. asks. I give him a face the says: don't question it. He raises his hands up in surrender and I laugh.

"Chill. And no we weren't killing animals." I say.

"You look beautiful." I hear Shawn say as he walks up to me. I mouth Thank you to him and give him a hug. "Do you play guitar?" he asks while gesturing to my necklace.

"No but I've been wanting to." I reply a bit sadly.

"I could teach you." he offers as all of us start to make our way down to the limo.

"Thanks." I say my smile coming back. By then we were already where the "surprise" was supposed to be. We get out of the limo and walk into the restaurant. We instantly notice the fanciness and the cake-face waitress in a too short dress. I see her smile flirtatiously at Hayes and a death glare to Carolyn. If looks could kill, she'd be 6 feet under right now. Her smile instantly falls.

Carolyn's P.O.V.

I see the waitress smile at Hayes flirtatiously.

"This way please." she says sending me a death glare. I grab Hayes' hand and he turns and gives me a smile. I guess he doesn't notice. They all sit down at the table and as I go to sit down the waitress trips me. "Oops I'm so sorry" she says and I can hear the sarcasm in her voice. "I'll go get your drinks." she gives me a smug smile and walks away.

"So why are we here anyways?" Hannah asks.

"Well we were thinking..."

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