Chapter 1

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Dedicated to snowyzus. Thank you for supporting my other story, "Autumn"!

What if you slept And what if In your sleep You dreamed And what if In your dream You went to heaven And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower And what if When you awoke You had that flower in you hand Ah, what then?

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What if you slept 
And what if 
In your sleep 
You dreamed 
And what if 
In your dream 
You went to heaven 
And there plucked a strange and beautiful flower 
And what if 
When you awoke 
You had that flower in you hand 
Ah, what then?

- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

She was standing in the middle of a wide, dark field. Night had already fallen and had brought winds that were as icy as the breath of death. Earsplitting thunder seemed to tear apart the heavy clouds that were almost touching the ground, and rain mercilessly began to pour down on her. In a matter of seconds, her hair clung in wet strands to her face, her light summer dress stuck to her skin, making her shiver in the chilly night air. She had to find somewhere dry and warm, if she didn't want to freeze to death, but no matter in what direction she was heading, there was no shelter, only impenetrable blackness of endless fields.

Out of nowhere, a tall, strange figure appeared in the distance. The moonless night made it impossible to distinguish anything but the outline of a rather muscular body. It was moving; and it was moving towards her. Like a shadow that had come to life, the movements were soft and smooth, making it seem as if the stranger was floating.

The man came to a sudden halt in front of her. Oddly, she wasn't trembling anymore. The warmth his presence was radiating made her feel comfortable, it even comforted her. His large hand reached out to her chin. Lifting it up, he forced her to look into his face. Still, she could not make out any features, except for two coal-black eyes that sparkled with an unnatural brilliance.

How can eyes so dark shine so brightly?

Just as that thought entered her mind, the man's deep, calm voice penetrated the silence. "Don't be afraid. This is only the beginning."

Even though they didn't make sense to her, his words were soothing and gentle; like a warm velvet blanket they laid around her troubled thoughts, they wrapped her cold body, they embraced her soul and made her feel safe. It was the kind of safety a child feels when their mother holds them close and sings soft, tender songs into their ear in the middle of the night to chase away the nightmares.

Tears began to flow down her cheeks; tears of relief and deep joy, for she hadn't felt like this since her mother had died.

"Don't cry," he whispered, his voice barely audible, and yet, it seemed to reverberate within her mind, enhancing each syllable with a soft hum.

Gently, the stranger's warm fingers brushed  over her cold face, wiping away the tears. It did not at all feel like a touch, it was more like a light breath of air drying her skin. He couldn't have been human, since no human would be able to make the darkness around her disappear like he did, with just one touch, with just a few words. At that moment, she was convinced he was an angel. An angel sent from Heaven to save her from everything that made her life so painful, to protect her from life itself. She wanted to touch his hand; the hand of her savior. But right then, he began to move away from her, his black outline dissolving and blending in with the gloominess of the night. "I will find you. Everything will be alright."

Her cheeks were still wet from crying when she woke up.

With the sleeve of her old night shirt, she dried them and glanced over to her nightstand where her alarm clock was sitting. 6:32 it read in bold green digits.

She sighed and slowly got out of bed. It was almost time to start the day anyway. And today was a special day. It would be her first day as a student at the local college.

Under normal circumstances she wouldn't have been able to afford school, but since her grades in high school had been outstanding, she had been granted a scholarship.

She tied her hair into a messy ponytail and headed for the kitchen to fix herself some coffee.

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