Chapter 26

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Raphael was exhausted; not physically, of course, but he was mentally worn out. The interrogation had taken its toll on him.

He smiled weakly at the thought of Emily. At least, she had been spared this torture. It would have been too much for her, of that he was certain. However, he could not deny that he longed for her presence, for her sweet smile, for her comforting warmth he was now deprived of, as selfish as it was. He missed her terribly, and as the seconds ticked by, the emptiness he felt without her grew stronger and more powerful. It couldn't have been more than a day since he held her in his arms, forcing her to lie still, while the owl did her gruesome work. And yet, to him it seemed like an entire lifetime that spread between him and the girl he loved, separating them forever.

Well, he thought, that's not too far from the truth.

A sharp beak nibbled on his earlobe as if trying to console him.

"Charon." He turned his head to look at his beautiful and faithful creature. "Thanks to you she is safe." His hand gently petted the silken plumage as he sat up from his lying position. The owl closed its huge eyes and cooed quietly, enjoying the attention she was receiving.

The cell was tiny and barely lit; the light that came through the narrow window above his head was just enough so that Raphael could see his feathered companion.

"I don't know what they're going to do with me," he whispered to her, still stroking her head. "But whatever they decide, I want you to return to Emily. This way she'll know that I did not leave her."

As if the bird understood, she lowered her head and brought it immediately back up, making it seem like she was nodding.

This very moment the heavy cell door was being noisily unlocked. The rattling of keys echoed through the tiny space, bouncing off the walls.

Raphael stood, the shadow of sinister anticipation darkening his expression.

"You have a visitor," a large, hooded figure growled.

A visitor? Raphael was completely dumbfounded. He didn't think visits were allowed, and moreover, who would visit him here? The only souls he was close to wouldn't be able to find him here; there was no way for them to even get here. Well, except for Daniel. But Raphael was sure that he would not show up for a little chat, he was not one to swoop in and save the day. No. He had learned that early on in their friendship, if one could even call it that. It was more of a symbiotic partnership. No, not even that.

The cloaked guard stepped back outside, leaving the door open for the mysterious visitor.

"Hello Raphael."

Instantly, he sank to his knees. This was impossible!

"Jenna?" His eyes were glued to the blonde woman who was cautiously approaching him. "Jenna?" he repeated in shocked disbelief.

She crouched down in front of him and took both his hands, lifting them up to her lips. She placed a tender kiss on his fingers as tears began to shimmer in her eyes.

"Oh Raphael," she whispered, caressing his trembling hands ever so softly. "Are you okay? What have they done to you?"

"How..." He was so shaken that he couldn't form a coherent sentence. "How... I mean... What... Oh Jenna!" Freeing his hands, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight embrace. "Is this real? I can't believe it!" He buried his face in the crook of her neck and sobbed, drenching the white fabric of her dress with his tears.

She held him close, lovingly running her fingers through his dark hair. "I missed you so much, Raphael. Ever since I left my body, I have been searching for you." Raphael didn't need to look into her face to realize that she, too, was crying. Sobs and whimpers clouded his senses, blurring reality, until the cell and his uncertain future was completely blended out. It didn't matter anyway. Holding Jenna, having her in his arms, feeling the woman who had shared her entire life with him against his chest was all he cared about at that blissful moment of reunion with his long-lost love.

"Raphael," she finally said, leaning back so she could look at him. "I know what happened and why they are keeping you."

Immediately he sprung to his feet, his face contorted with pain and unbearable grief. "Emily..." For a moment he had completely forgotten about her.

"It's okay," Jenna smiled sadly, her fingers tracing the contours of his cheeks. "You love her. I know."

"Jenna, I..." he trailed off and shook his head. There were no words to explain, there simply wasn't anything he could have said to take away the finality of her statement, to make it at least somewhat bearable. For her, as well as for himself.

"Please, don't." She tilted her head, still smiling up at him, but the heartache in her eyes was unmistakable. "You don't need to justify anything. We cannot change what happened. But when I found out you were held by the Guardians, I just had to come and see you. Raphael, I talked to them."

He furrowed his eyebrows at her revelation but didn't say anything, just waited to hear her out.

Her smile grew wider as she continued. "They will let you go."

"What?" This was certainly wonderful news. "How did you convince them?"

Jenna bit her lip. "There's a tiny catch," she mumbled.

Of course there was. Raphael sighed. "What is it?"

"You're free to go under one condition." She took a deep breath and exhaled audibly, obviously uncomfortable with the situation. "They don't want you to return to the world of the living. They think it would be best if you moved on. They will not allow you to go back, and if you refuse to leave that world, your soul will be extinguished. So ... I'm here to take you to the other side, Raphael. The veil is open for you."

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