Chapter 29

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Daniel was still lying on his bed, absorbed in his book, when Emily opened her eyes.

"Welcome back," he greeted her, not looking up. "Any luck?"

"You could say so," Raphael responded, leaning with his arms crossed against one of the bed posts.

Daniel dropped the book and jumped to his feet. "You're back," he stated superfluously. "I knew it would work." He winked at Emily who was still a little beside herself and shakily attempted to stand.

Both men immediately rushed to her aid, but when Raphael shot Daniel a grim look, Professor Morris stepped back, allowing his friend to help the girl.

"How do you feel?" Raphael asked worriedly.

She hugged him weakly, still trying to regain control over her body. "A little lightheaded, but that's okay. I'm just so glad you're here. "

Daniel frowned at those words, but no one noticed.

"Thank you," Emily finally said when she let go of Raphael. "Thank you for keeping your word, Daniel. It would have been easy for you to take advantage of the situation, but you didn't. You did what you said you would do. You helped us."

A flash of mischief brightened those deep azure eyes as he regarded her. "You're quite welcome, little miss. Especially since you now owe me."

Before Daniel had a chance to react, Raphael had pushed him against the wall, scowling at him with so much hatred that for a moment Emily was afraid he might do something he would likely regret.

"Easy there, buddy," Daniel huffed, glaring back at him with barely contained wrath, but Raphael was not the least bit impressed.

"What do you want from her?" he fumed. "Spill!"

"You are such a killjoy." The blonde man fiercely brushed Raphael's arms aside. "Take your dead hands off me, will you," he barked disdainfully.

Hesitant, he finally stepped back, creating a safe distance between them.

Daniel straightened himself, suddenly appearing even taller and more threatening than he already was, and smiled wistfully at the intimidated girl in the corner.

"She is the link I need," he began to elaborate, a strange glimmer of hope lighting up his face.

"What link?" Raphael growled, distrust clearly audible in those two words. "What are you talking about?"

"You see," he plopped down onto a nearby chair and crossed his legs casually, as if he was getting ready for a relaxing movie night. Then, he shrugged his shoulders and continued in that monotonous tone his voice always took on when things became serious. "I messed up. Several years ago I was assigned a certain job and just messed up. Since then I've been trying to fix it, to make it right again so I will be granted forgiveness and can return home."

"Home?" Emily repeated meekly.

He grinned at her, baring his impeccable, pearly white teeth. "Yes, my dear, home. A dimension that little mortals such as yourself can't even imagine."

Raphael shared a meaningful look with Emily before he grunted, "Tell her already! Tell her what you are. And while you're at it, stop being so damn vague. Just spit it out what you want to tell us."

Daniel's expression was completely stoic and emotionless. One could have gotten the impression that the conversation did not faze him at all, if it hadn't been for his jaw muscles, which slightly tensed; a telltale sign of the man's growing nervousness. It was barely perceivable, but Emily registered it, causing her to hold her breath in sinister anticipation.

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