Chapter 6

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Had she bothered to look back, she would have seen that he was as confused, as torn as she was. He couldn't believe that this girl that had touched his heart in a way he hadn't experienced before was one of his students. When he first saw her this morning, she was oblivious to anything around her. He saw her wander through the streets all by herself in her nightwear, obviously shaken. When she disappeared into that alley, he couldn't help but follow her. And what he discovered as he turned around the corner, had filled him with deep sadness. It was as if he could feel her grief, as if his soul was intertwined with hers, making each of her tears his own. He didn't know the reason for her pain, but he knew he wanted to make it better. That's why he decided to take her to that cafe, to give her food and something to wear other than those flimsy PJs.

He hadn't lied to her when he said he wanted to be the person she could rely on. He wanted to protect her from whatever it was she had escaped this morning. She was so delicate, so fragile, she didn't deserve to be as lost as she was. Her big brown eyes told him she endured far more pain than she could ever bear, and the loneliness that was reflected in them tugged at his heartstrings.

But now, this all was irrelevant. It had to be. She was a student. His student. And even though she was an adult with her 24 years, he just had to keep his distance. He couldn't allow her to get to him like that anymore. He had already gone too far and if anyone ever found out about this, they both would be in big trouble. And, how hard could it really be? He had only known her for a couple of hours. Known would also be the wrong description. All he knew about her was her name, her age ... and that she was beautiful. Even without all that makeup other girls usually wore, she was simply stunning. Just thinking of her shy smile made him smile too.

What are you doing, Raphael? he fussed at himself. Forget her. Forget about that smile, about those huge eyes... and about the way she looked in that sweater he chose for her, which hugged her curves perfectly. He could tell she wasn't wearing a... Damnit, this wasn't helping at all.

He took a deep breath and focused on today's paper which was lying on his desk, waiting to be read. He usually read it in his office on campus between classes, but this day had been rather hectic, not least because of a certain unexpected encounter in the early morning hours, so he had grabbed a copy on his way back home from work. His colleagues mocked him for being so old-fashioned, and on more than one occasion they had tried to convince him that digital copies were in fact more convenient and cheaper, but he liked the habit of sitting back, enjoying a drink or two, and skim through the pages. "Exemplary literature professor." His friend Daniel's words popped into his mind and he smirked amused, while browsing the news.

There would be a reading next week by a local author in the public library. He would have to mark this in his calendar. It might be interesting, although the book that was to be presented was not really his favorite genre, but one could never know what gems to discover at such an event.

Another local story, on the opposite page, caught his eye. Concerned neighbors had apparently informed the police about a nightly disturbance by a male drunk. They reportedly heard a violent outburst and frantic screams by an unknown female. Police were still investigating. Raphael shook his head in disgust. He despised men who raised their hands against women. Lowlife scum. Just imagining what must have happened there sickened him.

Repulsed, he threw the paper back on his desk and went into the living room to turn on the TV. He needed noise now, lots of voices, the bright colors of the flickering screen, anything that would blend out these haunting images that were slowly taking over his mind. Images of his mother sobbing, protecting her face with her bare arms, cowering on the floor; of his father towering over her frightened body, pulling her up by her long hair; of himself as a kid, standing on the top of the stairs in the middle of the night, desperately hugging his teddy bear and crying for his mom.

He needed to distract himself or he would go mad. He didn't want yet another night of insomnia and torturing thoughts that would blame his younger self for not stepping in. No, this was definitely the last thing he wanted to deal with today.

Just as he was frantically zipping through the channels, looking for one of those pointless TV shows to get his mind at ease, Raphael's cell phone rang. Frowning, he looked at the clock on his side table. 10.55 PM. Who would call at this late hour? He glanced at the phone. No caller ID. Daniel, he mumbled to himself, if this is yet another one of your ridiculous ideas to spend the night out and pick up women, you know where to shove it.


A few seconds went by without anyone answering. All he could hear was the chattering of voices in the background.

"Hello?" he repeated impatiently, silently cursing Daniel for his idiotic jokes.

"Hello," a female voice finally responded. "Am I talking to Mr. Raphael Cole?"

The professor sat up straight in surprise. "Yes, this is he."

"Good evening, Sir. My name is Monica Miller. I'm calling from the Harborview Medical Center. Sorry to bother you so late but we had a patient admitted earlier today and she does not appear to have any emergency contacts. Since she was not responsive at the time of admission, the medics searched her wallet and only found your name and phone number."

Raphael suddenly felt incredibly ill.

"So we thought we would let you know in case you want to come and see her."

Even though he didn't need the confirmation, he still asked. "Who?"

"Oh, of course. The patient's name is Emily Snow."

He got up slowly from the couch. He knew it was her. But what in the world had happened? Unresponsive? Did that mean she was seriously injured? A car accident? Or did it catch up with her, whatever it was she was hiding from this very morning? And what was he supposed to do? He should not get involved in this, he should stay out of it for his and her good. So, should he just ignore the call and go to bed? He had to make a decision, and it had to be now.

"I will be right there."

A few minutes later he was in his car, speeding towards the hospital.

"The dean will have my ass," he muttered, but frankly, he couldn't care less at that moment. He remembered telling Emily that he wanted to be there for her and that was what he was going to do. She needed someone now, and if no one else cared enough to show up at her hospital bed, he sure as hell would.

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