Chapter 25

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"You still haven't told me what you are," Emily reminded Daniel, as he chauffeured them through the traffic of the busy streets.

He quickly glanced over at her, before returning his attention to the road again. "Why are you so persistent on labeling me?"

She sighed, frustrated about the fact that he never gave any definite answers. "And why do you always have to counter any of my questions with a question?"

"Admit it," he chuckled, stopping rather abruptly at a light that just turned red. "You thoroughly enjoy my mysterious ways."

"Oh please," Emily huffed. "There's nothing mysterious about it. You just duck my questions because you clearly are afraid of something."

"Fear," he snorted dismissively. "I don't even know that emotion, Emily." Then suddenly, a dangerous spark lit up his face. "But maybe you can teach me."

The light was still red when he shifted into first gear and slammed his foot on the gas pedal. The engine of Raphael's car howled as the tires squealed on the gray asphalt. Forcing the car into high speed, Daniel regarded Emily with a cold stare.

"Hands-on tutoring," he drawled, shifting into a higher gear without breaking eye contact. "That's the way I like it."

Emily squeaked and grabbed on to the handle of the car door as the driver of a white SUV jerked his steering wheel around just in time to prevent a head-on collision. Car horns were sounding aggressively from every direction. "What are you doing? You're going to get us killed!"

"I hate to break it to you, but I can't die," he sneered. "You, on the other hand, could lose your life any second." He gave an evil grin, his eyes flickering with excitement. "So, answer me, mortal. How does it feel? Is it a rush? Do you crave more?"

"No!" she screamed. The brakes of a yellow cab screeched, bringing it to an emergency halt just a few moments before it would have crashed into the passenger side of Raphael's car. Emily stretched out her arms as if they could protect her from the force of impact that was very likely going to happen any minute now. "Daniel, stop! Oh God, stop!"

Laughing, he turned his head, focusing on the road and steering the car at breakneck speed towards the outskirts of the town.

"That was fun," he stated casually as they were crossing a bridge.

Emily, who could still feel her furious heart in her throat, sank deeper into the leather seat and exhaled audibly. "What the hell is wrong with you? Will you slow down already?"

"Why? I thought you couldn't wait to get to Raphael."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "By car? Are you going to drive us to him? I didn't think that was possible."

"Silly girl," he reprimanded her lack of understanding. "Of course we can't drive there. I'm taking you to my place. It's rather secluded, no neighbors for miles. This way we won't draw any attention when we... you know...," he gave her a quick look, "... do this."

"This?" Emily shifted uncomfortably. "You are not going to hurt me, are you?"

"You're cute," he snickered. "Rest assured, little one, I prefer my women warm and alive. I'm not going to kill you, there's a much better way of getting through to Raphael; one that will leave you unharmed. I promise." His eyes sparkled with sinister amusement.

She turned away from him, staring out the window at the abandoned landscape that flashed by.

Night had already fallen when Daniel pulled up in front of an old farm house that looked like it had seen better days. Much better days. In fact, it eerily resembled one of those houses they always showed in horror movies. Dark, shabby, and surrounded by ... well, nothing. In the distance Emily could make out the black silhouettes of trees towering in silence over the wasteland at their feet.

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