Chapter 24

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"You're late," Professor Morris grumpily pointed out as Emily approached his table. His eyes examined her with attentive interest when he added, "I see you have found yourself some clothes."

Emily shuddered at his dirty grin. Avoiding any eye contact, she pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Hungry?" he inquired. "My treat."

Actually, she was starving, but not enough to allow that devious person to buy her food. "No, thanks."

Nonchalantly, he waved the waitress over and ordered an omelette for her.

"I said I'm not hungry," she hissed, angry that he had just completely ignored her.

"Of course you aren't," he winked.

Emily thought it best not to argue, so she remained silent until the waitress placed a large plate loaded with a delicious smelling meal in front of her. She would have dug in immediately, if it hadn't been for the professor, who eyed her intently.

"Now," he murmured. "Be a good girl and eat. We don't want you to starve to death before I get to claim your gorgeous body, my dear. That would be a shame."

"Ugh." Emily squinted in disgust. "You know how to charm a woman's pants off."

Either Daniel ignored her sarcasm on purpose or failed to detect it, since he leaned closer to her, his eyes sparkling mischievously.

"Rest assured, innocent Emily. You will be delighted to find that I certainly do."

Now she definitely wasn't hungry anymore.

"Eat!" he ordered firmly and so loud that some of the other guests turned their heads, staring at the pair curiously.

Sighing, she gave in and began to empty her plate. After the first few bites, however, she dropped her fork in annoyance and looked up to Professor Morris. "Why are you watching me? It's rather unnerving."

He gave a crooked smile. "I find it interesting."

"Interesting?" Emily snorted. "What's so interesting about it?"

"It just is." He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't need to eat, never have, so I think it is amusing to watch your habits."

She pricked up her ears. "Never? You must have eaten at some point, or have you never been... you know.. alive?"

"No," he frowned. "I have in fact not. I'm not human."

"B-but," she stuttered, gaping at him. "But what are you then?"

Teasingly, he raised one eyebrow. "What do you think, Emily? What am I?" he whispered with pretense sweetness.

She didn't even have to think about it. Emily met his provocative stare boldly and imitated the smooth sound of his voice. "As calculating and cunning as you are, you can only be a demon."

Wide-eyed, she watched his amused expression turn to stone as she added, "Or the devil himself."

Something dangerous flashed in his sapphire eyes when he placed his arms on the table, leaning closer to her face with a snarl. "Careful, missy. I don't appreciate that term."

For a moment, they both stared at each other in threatening silence. The voices, chattering happily away at the other tables, suddenly seemed to be too loud, too invasive, and it bothered her immensely that other people were apparently having such a good and worry-free time when she had to sit face to face with ... him.

Emily bit her lower lip and closed her eyes in an attempt to collect her thoughts. Finally she was brave enough to ask again. "Am I right, Daniel?"

"Oh," his arrogant smile returned instantly. "It's Daniel now, huh? You like the bad boys, little minx?"

She rolled her eyes, even though she was somewhat relieved that he was back to his obnoxious teasing again. "That is not an answer to my question."

"No, obviously it's not." He lifted his arm in order to get the waitress's attention, who in turn nodded, indicating with her hand that she would be with him in a minute.

Emily shook her head. "You're so irritating."

"I know." His smile turned to a smug grin. "And you love it."

Fortunately, it was then that the waitress came to her rescue. "What can I do for you?"

Daniel's eyes were slowly raking over the brunette's petite body as he cooed softly, "We would like to pay."

With cheeks as red as a strawberry, she fluttered her lashes at him. "Don't worry about that, Sir," she breathed. "It's on the house."

"That is too kind," Daniel said seductively. "How can I ever make this up to you?"

Her green eyes lit up. Hastily, she jotted something down on her small notepad and blushed even more as she handed him the small note.

"Call me." She batted her lashes once more and then turned to tend the other tables.

Emily was absolutely dumbfounded. Did that lady really give Daniel her number? "What just happened?"

The corner of his mouth twitched as he scanned the little piece of paper. Holding it up so that Emily was able to see the digits and the clumsily-drawn heart next to them, he winked. "I guess I just charmed that woman's pants off."

Emily sighed in annoyance. "Why do you always have to be like that?"

"Like what?"

He really didn't seem to know what she meant since he regarded her with a blank stare.

"It is impossible to have a conversation with you. Everything you say is either suggestive or just plainly calculating. If you don't benefit from it, you don't do anything for others. Raphael and you, you are so different. It's hard to imagine that you are friends."

"I see."

Running his slender fingers through his ash blonde hair, he leaned back. Emily had to admit that he would be rather attractive, if it weren't for his off-putting personality. It definitely ruined the package. He was nothing like Raphael.

Raphael ... Her mind began to wander and she didn't realize how lost she was in daydreams until Daniel snapped her rather bluntly out of her trance.

"Judging by that dreamy gaze of yours, you must have some especially pleasant thoughts." A dark expression lingered on his face as he lowered his voice. "Do they happen to include me?" he purred. "Do tell."

Emily frowned. "That is exactly what I mean. And no, they don't. I was thinking about Raphael."

The playful twinkle in Daniel's piercing eyes died immediately at her words and made way for something that resembled disappointment.

"Of course you did," he stated flatly. "Let me tell you something about him. He is a weak soul, Emily. If I hadn't saved his ass on all those countless occasions, you would have never met him. All because he can't seem to understand the importance of control, of being in charge. He lets his emotions rule him. They govern him, blending out any sense of reason. Not that he has much of it to begin with."

"So." Emily crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You're saying that emotions are a sign of weakness?"

"They are, my dear. I know you hate to hear it, but it is true. And don't look at me like that, pretending to be overly upset. It just causes wrinkles on your pretty face."

"You're unbelievable!" Emily huffed.

"I get that a lot." A smug grin contorted his mouth as he stood. "Come on now. Let's get that idiot out of there."

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