Chapter 31

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Emily couldn't grasp what had just been revealed to her. It was far too much to comprehend. The one who had spared her life and instead had taken her mother away from her was in love with her? Wasn't it already enough that she loved a dead man she could never have? How cruel could the universe actually be?

Dizzy with her thoughts, she stared first at Daniel who regarded her with an odd expression of hope, and then her eyes wandered over to Raphael, whose face displayed both concern and anger.

As she opened her mouth to speak, she was interrupted by an earsplitting shriek. A pair of wings flapped loudly, stirring up the air in the dusty room. All three of them lifted their heads in unison to find a large gray owl with green eyes circling above their heads.

Emily shuddered at its sight. The bird's sudden appearance couldn't be a good sign. "How did it get in here?" she whispered, her gaze following the smooth movements of the animal.

Daniel snorted, but didn't say anything. Rather, he stretched out his arm to offer it to the owl. With a few powerful stroke of wings, it's claws tightly wrapped around the man's bare skin, accidentally breaking it and drawing a few drops of shiny blue liquid.

When it had settled down on Daniel's arm, it began to groom itself, as if it felt right at home.

"Whose owl is this," Raphael hissed, still grumpy about the previous conversation. "It's clearly not yours. Its eyes are green."

Without diverting his eyes from the bird, he mumbled, "Sadi." He spoke so softly that it seemed he was just talking to himself, but the other two had heard it and were now even more puzzled.

"Who is Sadi, Raphael?" Emily's voice was unsteady, since she did not expect anything good to come from the explanation. Of course, she couldn't have known just how right she was.

"I don't know," he muttered in response, a deep frown darkened his handsome features.

Daniel finally decided to directed his attention to the couple, his gleaming eyes radiating danger. "The owl is a warning," he stated coldly. "Something went wrong."

"What went wrong?" Raphael couldn't take the man's vagueness anymore and gritted his teeth. "And who is that guy you were mentioning? Just say it, for Heaven's sake!"

"Emily," Daniel drawled, his gaze piercing right through her skin, making her blood run cold. "I'm sorry, little mortal. His time was up."

"What are you talking about?" She had enough, and with a few swift steps she was directly in front of him. "Quit those ridiculous riddles and say what you have to say!"

"I am really sorry." He seemed to mean it, since he no longer showed that arrogant attitude. Somehow, his frame even appeared smaller. "Your dad ..."

Under no circumstances would she let him spell it out. Her delicate hands collided with his firm chest, pushing him roughly, so that he lost his balance for a few seconds and stumbled backwards. The owl complained noisily about being disturbed and glared with its huge green orbs down at the girl who had interrupted its grooming ritual.

She didn't care. Ignoring the bird altogether, she yelled, "You didn't bother to tell me? All this time we've been here, Daniel, and it didn't even occur to you to mention it?"

"Look," he mumbled apologetically. "What if I had told you? It wouldn't have changed anything. You can't do anything for him."

Fury was now wreaking havoc inside her, causing a sort of tunnel vision. Nothing mattered anymore. Nothing. Only her dad. And before she knew what she was doing, her legs had already carried her downstairs and she was heading for the door.

Fortunately, Daniel had thrown the car keys carelessly on a side table. Apparently, he had not expected her to flee the premises.

Mechanically, as in a daze, she grabbed them and ran out into the darkness towards the patiently waiting car.

"Emily!" Raphael's upset voice reached her ears, but she didn't stop. She jumped into the vehicle and turned the key in the ignition. With a loud roar, the engine responded. In her agitated state, she accidentally shifted into reverse, almost running Raphael over, who had rushed after her.

"Wait!" he shouted pleadingly. "Be reasonable!"

Reasonable? Was he serious? Nothing about this entire situation warranted reasonable decision making. This was about her dad, his life was at stake. Could Raphael not see that she needed to do something - anything?

Shooting the dark-haired man a dirty look through the rearview mirror, she slammed her foot on the gas pedal and sped off, steering the car onto the road that would lead her back to the city.

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