Chapter 19

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"Who is coming?" Emily asked as Raphael pulled her behind him, his fingers wrapped tightly around her hand.

"The Guardians. They know a living person has entered the kingdom of death and now they've sent their mark to announce their arrival. They're coming to correct the mistake." He looked over his shoulder, back at Emily who was slowing down, having a hard time digesting that information.

"Hurry," he urged sternly. "We have to find some sort of shelter so I can summon my owl."

Although his words did not make the slightest bit of sense to her, Emily did not ask for clarification. The fear of what was about to happen, the fear of what the so called Guardians might do if they were to find her, constricted her throat, rendering her mute. Her limbs trembling, she let the dead man guide her through the wasteland.

Stumbling over rocks, slipping on damp soil, and getting her clothes tangled several times in the leafless branches of the stunted bushes that sparsely served as reminders that there once had been life in this dead landscape, she forced Raphael to stop and wait for her. Until he had enough.

"This isn't going to work," he growled. "You're way too slow."

"I'm sorry," she sniffed, her eyes becoming watery. "I just can't..."

She squeaked in surprise as his arms effortlessly lifted her up. "Now," he announced seriously. "We're doing this my way."

Emily's stomach churned as Raphael sped towards a small cave that was hidden behind a few fir trees. He didn't actually run; with her in his arms, he glided through the darkness, hurdling several miles within the blink of an eye.

Dizzy and completely disoriented, she unsuccessfully tried to find support against the slick cave wall as he carefully sat her back down on her feet. Fighting with overwhelming nausea and struggling to steady herself, her hands sliding off the wall again and again, she eventually lost her balance and would have fallen, had Raphael not caught her.

"Are you okay?" Concerned, his fingers wrapped around her shoulders to hold her upright.

She nodded, trying to realign herself.

"Here." With his hand on the small of her back, he led her to a rather large rock that rested alongside the wall. "Sit down and wait for me here. I'll try to get Charon."

"Charon?" Emily repeated wearily as she lowered herself onto the cold stone.

"My owl," he explained, turning to leave. "If we want to make it out of here, she is our only chance."

She watched him disappear out into the blackness, then the queasiness got the better of her. She ran into the opposite corner and brought up her stomach contents.

Feeling at least a little bit of relief, she settled back down onto the rock and immediately dozed off.

A gentle kiss, placed on her forehead, woke her. She blinked a few times, chasing away the haze of sleep. Raphael had finally returned. There was, however, no sign of an owl.

With a sinister expression on his face, he shook his head. "She didn't come."

He sat down next to her, his fingers seeking the warmth of hers. "I'm sorry, Emily. I don't know what else to do."

A salty drop of water wetted their entwined hands, making him look up into her petrified eyes. "I'm right here," he whispered as reassuringly as he could; for he, too, was afraid of what was about to happen. "I won't let them take you. Not without a fight." He squeezed her hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing it gently. "I promise, Emily. I'll protect you."

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