Chapter 8

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So guys,

yay! finally getting the votes to creep up slowly, so thanks to everyone who has supported me! I just want to say, that this Chapter is dedicated to Sookiedavenport11, Just because she's my best friend and I love her! also, if you havent already, check out her book - Cold heart, black night, Its bant!

other than that hope you enjoy this chapter!



By the time I get home, I'm pretty much floating on air. I just couldn't believe he had kissed me! It had been my first, proper, real kiss; and it had been amazing. Like, story book amazing! and I hadn't stopped smiling since. Yet, even though things had turned out a lot better than i had planned, I was still troubled by what Callan had said.

What did he mean ''you dont remember do you?'' and ''There are things I want to tell you but I cant''

-There was something about those words that sent a shiver down my spine.

And, even though our kiss was amazing, I was still desperate to know the answers, and, where had he disappeared to after?

I suddenly realised this whole thing was a lot more complicated than I had originally thought.

''ALESSIA I'M HOMEEE!'' Nathan shouts, walking through the door practically skipping.

''Well, someones in a good mood! what an earth happened? this isnt like you at all?'' I reply, smirking while i do.

He just rolls his eyes ''Well, my dear little sister. I just got the court letter stating your guardianship, and, guess what? looks like I'm your new parent! good luck with that one'' he says, but I notice the cheer in his voice and how his beaming smile doesn't leave his face.

I practically fall of my chair as I jump up ''REALLY! omg, I can't believe it, but hold on, does this mean your gonna start being like an annoying dad who embarrasses their daughters in front of their friends and constantly moans that I don't do anything around the house? Cause I have to be honest - I'm not really down with that''

''Honestly Alessia, im gonna be the coolest, hippest guardian you ever had!'' 

He lifts me of the ground and spins me in a circle

''Well, I can't see you being cool, when you still use words like 'hippest'' I smile, and i nearly forget about the drama with Callan.

Nearly, but not quite.


After the new's, Nathan insisted on taking me out for a celebratory dinner - Which I wasnt exactly in the mood for, but I figured he was in to good a mood for it to be spoiled. After getting dressed up and re-doing my make-up, I was ready to go.

If im honest, he had taken me out for dinner so many times lately, I could pretty much tell what was going to be said whenever he took me out.

By the time I get home, its gone 11 at night, and im pretty damn exhausted after all the excitement of today.

I deffinetly needed to sleep.


The next day when I arrive at school, I'm pretty pissed when I see that Callan isn't there. I mean what kind of boy tells a girl a load of random shit, doesn't answer any of her questions, kisses her, and then fucks of into thin air.

No offence to him or anything, but im not exactly down with that. In fact, it  pisses me off.

Im pretty much ready to murder someone right now.

When I get to maths, im glad to see that Carmen has gotten over her 'OMG! I love Kara so much' phase, cause if that was still happening, id probably just kill myself here and now. And trust me, I really would.

''Whats up with you, moody?'' Carmen asks.

''What do you mean?''

''I mean, you have just walked into school with a face like fucking thunder, and it isn't even 9 in the morning yet?''

Great, I cant even keep my emotions of my face. Damn it.

''Oh nothing, just a bad night's sleep, feeling a bit run down lately'' I say, putting on a smile and hoping I look genuinely ok.

''Good, Cause everyone is coming to my house tonight for a piss up tonight! My dad's out of town so ive got the house to myself'' She says, and I can see in her expression how excited she is about it...

''Oh, I don't know if I'm up for it babe''

''ERM! excuse me little miss spoiled sport, but you aren't getting out of it that easily! I'm even gonna pay for you to get a new dress! You cant exactly so no to that now, can you?''

''No, I suppose I cant'' I reply, and even though I laugh, I still don't want to go.

''Ok, meet me at the mall after school'' She says, hugging me and running of to her class.

Maybe i'll enjoy it, it might help me forget about Callan...

I shake my head and walk into math, Thinking about how out of my head im going to be tonight.

for fuck sake.


At the end of the day, I walk out to my car, ready to drive to the mall and meet Carmen, when I see some girl stood at my car, waiting for me.

 And when I get closer, I realise its the girl that Callan was with at the restaurant that night.

God, I forgot about her...

''Erm, hi, are you waiting for me?'' I say when I get to her, and once again, she is dressed like a goddess. Her, short, black chiffon dress,Black wedges and gold accessories make her look, well, amazing, and once again I'm left feeling like a poor person wearing rags...

''Erm yeah, your Alessia right? Im Tori'' She says, but she doesnt bother to put her hand out for me to shake, she just stands there, with her arms crossed, Looking stunning, well and bitchy at the same time.

''Can I help you with something?'' I say, cause right now I just want to leave school, and this snobby cow behind.

''yeah, there is actually. Its about you and callan. I know what happened between you. He told me; well, laughed about it, actually. I just wanted to say, That whatever he may have said, or told you; is a complete lie. He doesn't think your gorgeous. He doesn't think your amazing, and he most certainly doesn't love you. In fact, he is my boyfriend. So I suggest you let him get on with his life. Because he doesn't want to be with you.

And with that, she turns around, swishing he black hair as she does, and walks away, without even waiting for me to reply.

Even though it was so random and blase:

I literally felt like my heart had been ripped into a million pieces.

And I just wanted to cry.

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