Chapter 12

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I was devastated. How could this have happened? And to her of all people...

I mean sure, she had been spoiled and selfish, but she had alway's been a friend to me, always been there for me. And now an amazing girl was gone. Not only that, but I had no one.

I couldn't think like that, it was selfish, what about her family? I heard Daniel had tried to kill himself, although I don't think that was true - just a vicious rumour.There were flowers laid outside her house and along the border of the forest. There was a memorial assembly at our school in memory for her. And this had all happened in the space of 3 days.

Me? I am just shocked. And im still trying to figure out what that bite mark was on her neck.



The next day was school; I practically had to drag my body out of bed. Ive had an extremely bad night's sleep, I was interrupted all night by dreams - about Callan. So basically, just when I was starting to forget about him, by mind decided's to be a babe and make me dream about him.


When I get downstairs, Nathan isn't there. He must have already left for work, because there is another one of them note's telling me to keep safe and blah blah blah... or at least  that's what I thought it was. But when I get up close, it isn't from Nathan:

See you at school?


That's all it says. What the fuck? before I would've said C was Carmen, but she isn't here anymore. So the only person it could be is - Callan? No, it couldn't, how would he have got in my house? Well,  more importantly, how would anybody be able to get in my house. Look's like im just going to have to go to school and find out...


Sure enough, when i drive into school, there he is, leaning against his car, all smiling and flirting and when he see's  me, his face light's up.

Err, what a player.

I park my car at the other end of the parking lot, as far away from him as possible. And jump out and head for the school gates as quickly as i can.I turn around to look at him, He look's puzzled, but then when i turn back around, he is stood in front of me.

WHAT? how did he get from his car to in front of me in like 0.5 seconds.

He look's down and smile's at my confused expression. But im more concerned about how the hell he got to me so fast???!!!

''Your funny when your confused'' he chuckles, and pushes a piece of loose hair back from my face.

''Thanks, is that what you say to all your girlfriends?'' I say, and I cringe when I hear the jealousy in my tone.

''What do you mean?''

''I mean, your little girlfriend Tori, came to see me the other day. She is lovely, really'' 

''My girlfriend? Alessia, You have got this all wrong''

''Really? cause i was certain it was all rather obvious. So please, enlighten me'' I say, raising my hand and gesturing for him to explain.

''Tori is my ex-girlfriend. So I don't know where you got an idea like that from'' he says, looking genuinely hurt, and truthful.

Im not fooled.

''Well, then how come you were with her at that restaurant that time?''

''When i moved here, I broke up with her. When I met you, I knew i liked you. She came up to visit me, and she could see how much I liked you. She was jealous, I was out with her for dinner trying to convince her to move on - Not on a date with her!'' He explains, raising his voice slightly at the end.

Even though its such an obvious answer. I genuinely believe him.

''Honestly, Alessia, you are the only girl for me''

Then he kisses me. Again. And just like last time, I forget everything, Tori, Carmen - everything. As I'm swept up in that feeling of warmth and the need I feel in my stomach for him.

When he pull's away, butterfly's fill my tummy. I smile, as he looks at me with such love. Takes my hand, and leads me to class. And if I'm honest, I was surprised that was all it took to convince me Tori was a liar.


I spend all day absorbed in pure happiness, you could probably see it radiating of me. God, I was happy. And even though my mind was still On Carmen, and I could feel the hurt in my stomach when she wasn't there at lunch, I couldn't stop smiling. I had a boyfriend. Not only a boyfriend, but a gorgeous, hot, sexy boyfriend with great eye's and hair and a smile that made me melt. Yes.

I managed to convince my English teacher, Mr Manson, to let me sit next to Callan at the back. So I spent the whole lesson giggling and smiling whilst he plays with my hands and strokes my arm and kisses me. I loved it. I loved having a boyfriend, it was amazing.

We spent the rest of the day like that. Every girl walking past looked at me in envy. Why would'nt they?  I had the most amazing boyfriend ever. Fact.

He offered to drive me home. I had to decline because I already had my car here, and I couldn't exactly leave it here over night. However tempting it may be. I didn't realise how long we had been talking, but when I look around, the whole parking lot is empty.

''Well, I have to go, Nathan will be going mental, especially after what's happened with Carmen...'' I trail off, that familiar feeling of guilt coming over me again, and I feel the tears that are filling in my eyes,

Callan wipes the tears away from my face.

''It wasn't your fault, you have to stop blaming yourself'' he says.

''But you weren't there,  maybe if i kept a better eye on her, none of this would have happened, how would you know if it was my fault or not?'' I ask, and I must of sounded like a complete sap, with tear's down my face and everything.

He cups my face in his hands ''I just know'' He whispers. Then, he kissed me again, wedging me between him and his my car. His hands coming from my hair down to my back, then my waist, untill I'm completely lost in that kiss. He pulls away, saying ''I will see you tomorrow, maybe I could pick you up from yours in the morning?''

''Yeah, sure'' I say, not able to wipe the smile of my face, ''But wont you need my address?''

''Dont worry, I already know it'' he says, winking at me.

With that, he kisses me quickly on the cheek, walks to his car and leaves. And Even as I'm getting in my own car, I cant stop smiling.

Life was good.

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