Chapter 14

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The next day, I'm prepared to ask Callan what the fuck his problem is. I mean, Brad was perfectly kind and welcoming toward's him yesterday, and he just blew him off and went off in a strop!

Like really, how old is he, 5?

I walk outside and stop in front of his car, crossing my arm's and tapping my foot, so he can tell im pissed of. It must of worked, because he raises his eyebrow, sighs, and steps out the car, walking up to me so close i can feel his breath on my face.

''ok Alessia, what have i done now?'' He says, sighing and holding my hand.

''Its not what you've done, its how you acted, yesterday with Brad? Look, I don't know what the problem was, but Brad's my friend, and it would mean a lot to me if you would at least me civil with him.''

''Your right - I'm sorry. I completely over reacted.. Let's just say, me and Brad, go... way back. And we haven't always seen eye to eye. But i promise to be nice in future'' He says, stroking my cheek with his thumb, and lifting my chin up so he can kiss me.

When he pulls away. I sigh ''Im sorry, I over reacted, lets just forget about it'' I say, ''But im going to take my own car today'' I say, walking to my car, as he laughs and says its ok.


When I walk into English with Callan, I'm surprised when I see Brad, of all people sat in one of the desk's. He look's up as I walk in, smiling. I let go of Callans hand and walk over to him, hugging him and sitting down.

''how come your here?'' I say

''Don't you remember me telling you - i transferred here. I still work, but i decided I needed to start going to a proper school'' he laughs

Shit. I forgot he was only 17

''oh, yeah. I remember, you told me the other night''

He looks into my eyes and laughs. And its only then that I notice Callan casually stood in the doorway, On his own.

When I mouth ''come sit down' at him, he huffs and drags himself over, plonking down in the seat next to me, just as Mr Manson walks in.

Me and Brad spent the lesson chatting, catching up and joking around. Callan just sat there all moody, hardly saying a word; even when I tried to get him involved in the conversation. I noticed how Brad touched my hand a few times, and kept staring at my cleavage. Even though I  felt slightly un- comfortable with Callan sat there - I knew Brad was just a massive flirt.

After lesson, I hugged Brad and wished him luck on the rest of the day. When he walked of, I gave Callan a scowl, but he just laughed, took my hand and walked me to class.

The rest of the day consisted of: history - boring, calculus - boring, Lunch - snogging Callans face of (certainly not boring) and Art - boring.


I met Callan after school, and he told me to come to his cause he had a 'suprise' for me.

I followed in my car to his house. It was ginormous! like, a mansion, with only one person living in it. 

When we got to his, he covered my eyes with his hand, and kept his other hand around my stomach. I laughed when he told me not worry. And he kept whispering in my ear.

When we got through the door, I nearly tripped over the step, but luckily he caught me. He walked me a few metres further, then whispered in my ear 

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