Chapter 2

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As I drive throught the school gates and step out my car, I here the comforting sound of my closest friend (well, at this school) Carmen, -''HEY! Alessia! over here!'' she calls as I run to get to my English class before I end up with Mr mansons spit attacking my face as he screams at me once again, about the importance of being on time. ''Coming!'' I shout back as she hugs me and we carry on running to class.

Thankfully we make it there on time. '' nice to see you on time for once, miss Marit'' Mr manson says as I walk over to my desk, next to Darran.Supposedly the  ''fittest'' boy in our school- who pretty much makes me want to die when he talks about his latest spray tan. I rarely learn anyhting at school, I pretty much black out from the second the school bell rings in the morning. As I open my English book, I hear the familiar buzz of my mobile going off in my pocket. ''Do you want to go shopping after school? convinced  my dad to give me £50?' xx'' . Great. Another shopping trip which pretty much consists of Carmen moaning about how her dad is such a tight ass and never gives her enough money; even though he gives her pretty much anything his little 'princess' asks for. Dont get me wrong, Carmen is a lovely girl, even though she can be a bit of a spoiled brat sometimes. I mean, she was the one that helped me when I started at school. Its just, I dont feel like I can talk to her; or trust her. Still she's kind, pretty and treats me like a real friend, even though I know she just feel's sorry for me, I still like her.

'sure! i'd love to! xx' I reply, playing along with her excitement.

I listen to my ipod for the rest of the lesson, determined to block out Darran's annoying voice as he talks about how im the only girl he hasnt kissed, and how 'id look great if I just put on some fake tan...' Oh.god. One lesson down, 4 to go.

The rest of the day drags on. After school, me and Carmen go to town. She buys chiffon tops and platform heels (turns out her dad had actually given her £150), whilst I buy  vest tops and jeans. And, when it comes to buying make-up, I look at her naturally tanned skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, then at my pale complexion (which pretty much makes me look like ive been in the north atlantic ocean for 2 years), blonde curly hair and bright green eyes and think 'damn, how ive changed'.

When I get home, I pretty much chuck my dinner down my throat, as Nathan asks how school was and how ive been, and run to my bedroom. Collapsing on my bed, happy to be away from everyone and on my own, sitting in my own lonely concealment of depression.


I must have fallen asleep as soon as I hit the pillow, cause when I wake up and look at the clock, it isn't even 1 in the morning. I stay laying in bed, tired and drowsy, although I suddenly realise my throat is so dry it feel's like I havent had a class of water in 4 years. I sit up and prop myself against the headbaord of my bed; taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, cause I pretty much feel like if I stand up straight away I might just hit the floor and fall asleep there, so yeah, I was tired. 

''im seriously considering ditching the idea of getting a glass of water and just going back to sleep...'' 

'' ARGGG!'' i scream as my windows  fly open as if god has suddenly decided to create the biggest wind in the history of the world. altough yeah, the chances of that being true are pretty slim. I jump out of bed, much to my body's reluctance, and sprint to the widow to close it. I shut the window and decide its probably the time to get a glass of water. I creak my door open and tip toe down the hallway, knowing that if Nathan wakes up, all hell's gonna break loose.

once id got a class of water, I was pretty much wide awake, so I decide I may as well read a book for a while. ''Great, looks like another sleepless night for me'' I mutter, realising that it means another day at school where im exausted. Just as im about to sit down on the sofa, I suddenly realise the porch lights have switched on. I stand up and walk towards the switch, not wanting the light to disturbe the neighbours. 

''What the hell?'' I whisper to myself, when I notice that there is some man standing right by the tree next to my swimming pool... I mean, what is that all about? I begin to open the door, making sure I grab some kind of protection, cause you never know, and id hate to be un-prepared if I was attacked or something. 

''Erm excuse me? I dont know why your in my yard, but its kind of trespassing...''

''oh, well done, thats it, just make polite chit chat with the weirdo standing in your garden...''

but he doesnt answer. He doesnt even turn around, he just stands there, with his back to me, looking out at... nowhere?

''Hello? did you hear me? Because I just want to point out that if you dont get your arse out of my garden in the next  30 seconds, I wont hesitate to use my baseball bat...''

At first, I thought he was going to turn around, but then he just walks behind the tree, and then, Nothing.

''Oh your clever, hiding behind a tree, no one would ever see you there'' 

I think, as I begin to slowly creep towards the tree,  as even though he may just be a normal citizen, he has still ignored  the request to leave my yard. I raise my baseball bat, fully prepared to use it, but when i reach the tree, no one's there. 

Huh? I say, confused myself by the fact that the man that just stood there for 2 minutes looking like a plank is suddenly nowhere to be seen.


Just as im about to turn around, I notice that there is something pinned to the tree. A small piece of paper, that looks like its been dropped in a muddy puddle and then dried with some straightners. I creep closer. Squinting my eyes to make out the tiny lettering on the paper

Alessia + Callan forever....

And, next to the piece of paper, hanging from a branch in the tree, is a tiny little pearl attached to a thin silver chain

What the actual fuck? I dont even know someone called Callan, and why the hell does the man who was in my garden know my name!? and why the hell is there a neclace that ive never seen in my life hanging of a tree...

I begin to run back inside, because lets face it, I was creeped out, and even this was to weird for me.

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