Chapter 7

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"So. You're an American, yeah?" Jaxon asks as he nibbles on his meal. We're at a lovely little chippy along the outskirts of the city center. "Yep. Born and raised in San Francisco, California." I take a sip of my Coke. "That's nice. I bet it's warmer down there." I nod. "Oh, definitely." We both laugh, and it feels natural talking with him. He's so laid back and kind. And cute. "You've lived here your whole life?" I ask. He nods. "It's quite lovely. The rest of England and Europe is absolutely stunning. Ever been?" I shake my head. "Never been over here. I've been to Canada, Mexico, and countless states, but never to Eurasia." He nods, appearing intrigued. "So you've never been to London? Oh, it's fabulous. Not too long by train down there." I grin. "I've always wanted to go to London. I'll have to pop down there during my stay." He leans in, animated. "You've absolutely got to see the castles across England and Scotland, as well. And obviously, the Highlands. Wales is nice for a day trip." I can't help but laugh at how excited he is about his home country. "Something funny, Samantha?" He says, grinning. "No, nothing. You're just so... animated. The United States are so dull, and if I were to talk about them the way you're talking about the U.K., it would all be forced." "Well, I'm studying to be a historian at university. Best place to study, right here in my own country." I look down, thinking of California. "That's nice." He pauses, trying to think of what he said. "Oh. I'm sorry. You must miss home." I brush it off with a smile. "No, it's alright. It's nice that you're so passionate about what you're studying. That's actually why I'm here." He raises an eyebrow, smiling back. "Oh, really? What are you studying?" "Writing. I'm abroad for six months over here. I go back in March." I swear I catch the blush on his face. Maybe it's just the lighting. "So you'll be here for a while?" I nod furiously. "I'm not going anywhere." I grin, and he grins back. "Here's my number." He says, writing it on a napkin along with his full name. "Jaxon Alexandre McKinnon?" I read, smiling. "Yep. That's me." He says, rolling his eyes with a grin. "Better than Samantha Amelie Maxwell." I sip my Coke. "I think it's a lovely name." He says kindly. I blush profusely. "My parents thought it was funny that my initials matched my name." He thought for a second and finally realized it. "Wait, really? Sam, S.A.M.? That's awesome!" He laughs a quiet but hearty laugh that makes my heart flutter. I smile a real smile at his reaction. "Well, this was lovely. I'll see you later?" Jaxon asks expectantly. I nod. "Definitely." We leave the chippy and he asks, "Oh yeah, I forgot. Did you draw anything else today?" Now I'm certain I look like a red Christmas light. "Um, not today. Maybe tomorrow?" He smiles. "Okay." "Okay." We stand in silence for another moment, and then, "I'll see you." I say. He waves as I walk off, the both of us blushing like school kids.
Aw, I like them.
I promise it'll get more interesting later on. Pretty soon, actually. But once again, I'd love your votes for the wattys if you like it!
Thanks again for reading!:)

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