Chapter 10

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After a few long days of writer's block and no Jaxon, it's finally Wednesday. I put a few finishing touches on a sketch and begin to get ready. I pick out a light blue woolen dress and freshen up my wavy hair as much as I can. I stare at myself in the mirror for a moment, checking myself over. Sigh. I'll never look as good as I should for Jaxon. But I collect my gray hobo bag and things and walk out into the Princes Street Gardens. They're lush and green from all the rain, and I sniff at a few purple flowers that leave a lasting scent in my nose. "Those are my favorites." says a familiar voice from behind me. I turn around and smile at Jaxon. "Hey." He says, grinning that infuriatingly perfect grin. "Hi." I say back, "You look nice." And he does, clad in a white dress shirt and black pants, with a tartan scarf. His red curls are wind-tousled. "So do you. Like, very nice." I blush, giggling. "Thank you." We walk side by side down the street. "Where are we going?" "Ever been to the Elephant House?" He asks. I nod vigorously, excited. "I love it there! It's a writer's paradise." He grins at my excitement. "Well, this is next door to that. Afterwards, we can maybe grab a coffee?" I smile. "I'm down." We walk in silence until we get to the restaurant. It's a swanky two story on the river called the Outsider, and we take a seat at a comfortable table with a view of the river and castle. "So, how are you liking Scotland?" "I love it. I miss California sun, though." He shrugs. "Figures. What are your favorite books?" I smile. I love talking about books. "Well, to be honest, my favorite series is probably Harry Potter. It may be cliche, but they've been very important to me. I love the Lord of the Rings, um, Shadowhunters..." He grins. "I love the Shadowhunters! Clary Fray is awesome." "Um, you mean Clary Fairchild. Or Clary Morgenstern. Depends which book you're on." I grin back, sipping a very interesting fizzy elderflower drink. "Well, yeah. But everyone knows her as Clary Fray, and it's the shortest name." I giggle. "That's true. What kinds of music do you listen to?" He thinks for a moment. "I like alternative. And rock. The occasional soft song. Best bands ever- twenty one pilots, Panic! At the Disco, maybe some Melanie Martinez, but not too often, she's kind of scary..." I gape at him, smiling. "Same! That's kind of weird. I love Imagine Dragons, too." He nods. "They're great as well." The waiter comes finally, and I order a light salad while Jaxon gets pesto gnocchi. We chat for a while longer, finishing our food, and laughing and smiling and just being real. And by the time that we exit the Outsider, it's absolutely freezing. I am stupid and forgot to bring a jacket. Jaxon sees me shivering, and says, "Would it be too cliche for me to offer you my coat?" I giggle and shake my head. "Not at all, Mister McKinnon." He hands me his brown jacket with a smile, and after another 15 minutes of coffee, he's walking me back to my flat. "Well, this has been really nice." I say with what I hope is a radiant smile. He returns it with those god forsaken sparkling teeth. "It has been, hasn't it?" We stand in the freezing wind, and I watch the air toy with his hair. "Well, I best get going. I've got to book a hotel. I'm going to Durham for a few days at the end of the month." My heart sinks. Even a few days without Jaxon are not fun, to say the least. "Oh. Well, I should get going, too. Family history research, writing... all that fun stuff." To my surprise, he takes my hand and kisses my knuckles in a tender motion. His lips are as soft as I'd imagined, and warm against my icy skin. "Good night, Sam." He says softly, and walks away. I stand in shock for a moment, blush creeping up to my ears. Then I smile a smile so big I think my face may split in half. My heart thumping, I half walk, half twirl back to my apartment with only one thing on my mind:
Jaxon McKinnon just kissed me!
I'm sorry. I'm not a great author, and this is one of my first times writing a realistic fic. It'll get interesting soon, I've just got to establish all these relationships and how her life here rolls and then we'll be on the adventure I promised!

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