Chapter 11

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*time skip to a week or so later*
"Jaxon?" I say, picking up my phone as it trills with the Star Wars theme song. "Hey, Sam. I'm leaving for Durham today, and I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me to the train station." He asks. I blush slightly. "Sure, I've got nothing better to do." I say, dropping my homework and rushing to get dressed. I throw on my favorite jeans and a gray Ramones tshirt with a black "trendy" coat over it. I shove my laptop, sketchbook, and some other essentials into my gray bag. A black beanie adorns my fiery locks as I rush to the train station to meet Jaxon. When I dont see him in the front where we're supposed to meet up, I have a mini panic attack. Did I miss him? Will I not get to see him for a few days and not get to say goodbye? But my heart pauses its manic convulsions when I spot wild red curls dancing in the wind. "Jaxon!" I call, attracting a few looks. He looks towards me and grins that stupid grin that makes my knees weak. "Sam! You made it!" He says as I approach him, slightly breathless. "Almost didn't." We both chuckle a bit, and Jaxon turns to go in. I had only been on a train once or twice, and that was more of an underground. This was an extravagant, glass-ceilinged station with intricate brickwork and concrete floors. "Wow, this is nice." "Yeah." Jaxon says, not looking at me. What? Just a second ago he was happy to see me. I continue to walk behind him, perplexed at his behavior but deciding not to press the matter. I buy myself a pack of M&Ms and a bottle of coke at one of the vendor stations as he buys his ticket, still not looking at me. We walk in silence to the platform, going through the turnstiles and finally stopping at Platform 9. "So, um, I guess I'll see you in a few days." I say, feeling rejected. Why ask me to come with him if he was just going to ignore me the whole time? His train pulled onto the tracks, whirring loudly as the doors hissed open. I began to walk away when a warm hand grabbed my forearm. I turned to see Jaxon wearing a mischievous grin and his ticket. He's halfway on the train, half holding my arm.
"Come with me." He says, sliding his fingers to reveal a second ticket. I gape at him, heart thrumming. "Come on, Sam. You can see England! You'll have tons of inspiration for your art and your stories, and you can see legendary buildings. We'll make an adventure out of it. You can find your family!" He says, sounding so hopeful. I stare into his toad green eyes, and I can see he's planned this for a while. I want to go, but what about clothes? What about class? What about- "This is why you're here, Sam." Jaxon says, interrupting me from my thoughts. We stare at each other, brains reeling in desperation and indecision. The train makes a ding, signaling that the doors were about to close, and Jaxon grins wider than I've ever seen him smile. "Come on!" And with a grin of my own, I leap onto the train, grabbing Jaxon's arm for support, and the doors snap shut behind me. For a split second, I'm in shock of my own spontaneity. We stand there in each other's arms as the train pulls out towards Durham, towards freedom, and towards what promises to be the adventure of a lifetime.
Hey I'm back!
I've been battling some crippling writer's block for this story, and I'm so sorry that I haven't updated. It's got 105 views! I'm excited! Thank y'all so much. Sorry it's so short, I'm working on another story called the Founders Four about the four founders of Hogwarts, and it's pretty fun to write, so check that out if ya want.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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