Trouble In The Hell Kingdom

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I haven't seen Aizen for days now he was supposed to back from work. I was getting worried, I didn't know if he was alive or dead at this point knowing the type of work he does. "Lauren, it's gonna be okay. He's just probably in a mix up and can't come home right now. I know that Aizen may be a freaking Lunatic who doesn't give a damn about his own body but he will never lose to anyone nor will he ever surrender. He has the blood diamonds in his hands they will not let him die without killing off the entire mafia itself." Alex my new bodyguard who was sent out here with me a couple of days ago said. "Alex, I'm scared. I'm scared for Aizen. I feel like something is going to happen to us. I feel it coming. Something's coming I don't know what it is but it's gonna be trouble in paradise soon." I said looking directly into Alex's hazel eyes who were looking right back into mine. "Then we have to move." Alex said in his gravely voice. "No, not yet. That be too sudden. I feel like its closer now." I said moving closer to Alex who had his pistol already in his hand. Then suddenly there were men with bedazzled masks on busting into our home and surrounding me in a protective stance. "Lauren. I just hope I can protect you." Alex said getting his bullet proof stuff on. He soon loaded with weapons. "What's going on?" I asked one of the masked men. "The intruders has found the location of Aizen's den and has discovered your being and will stop at nothing until they've got you first and Aizen last." The masked man said without turning around and then there were was bullets flying everywhere a lot of unknown men were here and I was being rushed out of the house and into a bulletproof car as the bullets were hitting the car and the car was scurrying away. I was panicking and hyperventilating. "Breath Lauren, breath." Alex said to me from my other side and then someone who I didn't seen before who was unconscious was on my other side. I turned his face to see it was..."Aizen! No no!" I said holding him and crying some until he had awakened. "Lauren! I'm so glad you're alright!" Aizen said hugging me tightly and kissing me. Soon there more cars following us. "Their coming for us!" I said grabbing onto Aizen. "Don't worry my love that's just our other bothers following us up. Apparently, the Disciples has broken the blood diamond security code and found out my whereabouts. It started with a knock on the door and the killing of our chef they had then explored the house and laid eyes on you, you became their new dream. Head of the mafia Johnathan Saints had found a liking to you and plans on marrying you into damnation but as long as I will live that bastard will never get you." Aizen said to means held my hands then bullets were hitting the car again and there was a bucket show down. We were racing out of here and the cops had started to get on top of our tails but we out ran them and were soon taken to a helicopter which brought us to Russia were we took cover with some other people in this cabin. "I would like for you all to meet my lovely Lauren." Aizen said kissing my cheek as the other men nodded their greets and some speaking to me. "Well let's make a toast to the winter soldier and his winter princess." One man said as they got the whisky. Then everyone erupted into cheers. I decided to go and take a look outside at this beautiful place. I started to think of Kayden and how he would probably spend days out here. I started to miss him. "I miss you Kayden." I whispered as a bit of snow touched my cheek. Then a cute little black and white Siberian husky pup had came to my side from the cabin and snuggled under me. I began to pet it gently. How in the hell did we end up like this? Where did everything go wrong? I looked at the little pup who looking up at me with curious eyes. "I just wish that everything would be okay, and go back to the way things were before things like this has happened." I said stroking the dog's fur as he licked my hand. Then Aizen had come to sit with me. "I see you met Blade. He is such a womanizer. But he's knows that you are my woman. Don't you blade?" Aizen smiling as the dog jumped him all happy. I watched the two. There are so many different sides to Aizen. Each one reveals him a little more as a prince charming  in my point of view. "I wish I had dog like that." I said smiling as the dog had ran off back into the cabin. "He's a handful." Aizen said laughing abit. "So how long do we have to hide?" I asked him just to get to the point. "Not for long.  We'll be meeting up with Christian and Jaden in South America." Aizen said kissing my head. "It's getting late. We should get some rest while we can." I said to Aizen who now looking abit lost in his thoughts. I just decided to go to the kitchen to see if I could find something to eat. Everyone must've been out somewhere or in for the night. I was just about to make some salmon and Rice when suddenly a shadow was leaning in the door way of the hallway. "Well, I see you found something to eat. I know you're wondering about me and my creepy entrance." The guy said who sounded a little younger than me. When he came into the light his boyish looks were revealed and his sea green eyes ere reflecting from the light. He had tan hair and a long black trench coat on. "Who exactly are you?" I asked leaning against the stove. "Oh, right I'm Lex. The underdog of the resistance." He said with a smug smile. "I'm Lauren. Next time don't be so theatrical when introducing yourself." I said laughing. "Well, I live for the moment I guess." He said getting abit close. "What are you doing?" I asked him. "Just admiring how beautiful you are...from a distance." Lex said pulling a piece of hair out of my face when Aizen had come in on the moment. Thank you. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Don't you ever put your hands on my wife like that again!" Aizen said punching him in face causing him to stumble back. Then he looked back at my holy shit face with his poker face. "Lovely place isn't it?" Aizen said smiling at me and wrapping his arm around my waist. I nodded speechlessly.  Did he just say wife? Okay...this is just getting strange. The more and more I dive deeper into this relationship with Aizen. "Far from it." I said taking his arm in mine and going into our room and making some smores. "I promise you that I'll take all of this away. I promise you that it'll be death to all of their hearts once I find the motherfuckers who caused all of this. I know this one's personal because out of all things they could've done to me they've choose you to go after. I never should've done this. I should've just let you be when I thought of it. But then again there's consequences for all the bad you do. I regret all of the bad that I've done. I swear once this is all done and over with I'll bring you back. " Aizen said cupping my face as pain took over him. "Everything will be fine. We all will go through a certain hell in our our lifetime." I said reassuring him that I was gonna be brave for the both of us. "You are brave, you always were brave. You never backed down from anything. Let alone anyone. You sacrificed your life for the sake of your family. If they don't accept your return then they would be more of a monster than I could ever be." Aizen said wrapping his arms around me to keep me warm as I pulled the quilt over us both. I love Aizen and I love my family and I wanted nothing more than to get home, but now I'm not sure what to do. Aizen can't come with us because the cops are most likely doing a man haunt proceedure and the family will want his life. But if I stay I won't be safe and I will forever be stabbing my family more and more in the heart. I had absolutely no sleep that night for that was all that I could think of. The next day I hadn't come out either. I kept myself distant from everyone. I sometimes cried at night causing Aizen to lack some sleep. We argued and began to lose each other. Those arms were always wrapped around me but my other half of my heart was gone. Every since then we weren't the same. Soon we were set for South America and all. We kept an eye out on the others who had been at war with the enemy for quite some time now. It's been exactly three months. I didn't go out with any of the gang. I just sat there in the room I was placed in since Aizen needed some space, so yeah Aizen and I had been broken up by the time we came here. "Can I come in?" A soft and gentle femenine voice asked. I nodded once and she entered. "Do you wanna talk about it?" She asked me. I looked at her with my coulded silver eyes that was cradled by dark and thick lashes which was surrounded by black make up. My five foot five fram was cradled in a one shouldered deep red laced dress that stopped midlength. "I lost everything I could've ever died for. I just wanna see my family again but I'm stuck with hell for my companion. I am nothing but the flaws and designs I've become." I said sighing deeply. She took my chin and forced me to look up at her. "I know you are depressed about that damn Aizen. You didn't even see him coming from a mile away, poor thing. But you listen to me, never sell yourself shor because of one fatal flaw in your kingdom. Most importantly don't give up. Take back your strength and independence. Prevail against this little scratch on your heart it'll heal rather well. You're too beautiful and amazing to ever be this fragile. Listen my little hell's angel me, you and the girls are gonna toss these assholes in the water and party." She said turning on the light to reveal her snow white long and wavy hair and her silver and sparkly cocktail dress. "Sounds good." I said gaining confidence again and forgetting all of those fatal and unfinished flaws. "That's the spirit. I'm Scarlett by the way and you'll be meet Rose, Kendall, and the savage herself, Mary Ann." Scarlett said smiling. "I'm Lauren and I can't wait to meet these awesome sounding people. "Yeah? I love your name. Fits your face." Scarlett said smiling as she touched my hair which was at it's full length. "How'd you get your hair to be this long?" Scarlett asked me as I redid some of makeup. "Years and of growing." I said simply as I got up and slipped my silver pumps on. "Let's us be the blood on the dance floor." I said smiling darkly. It's good to be B.A.D (beautiful and dangerous).  We went out to this club called "Club Bamboo South." I was all ready to steal some prey. Me and Scarlett was dirty dancing on the dance floor grabbing everyone's attention and I wasn't even drunk.  Soon this beautiful girl with long golden straight hair had arrived she was wearing a Victorian dress and a beautiful laced chocker. She had these sparkling eyes that was ocean blue and a smile worth looking at. She soon approached me with those sparkling blue eyes. "Hi, you're Tony, right?" She asked with a sly smile. Bitch. "No actually I'm not "Tony," I'm Lauren. And you aaaarrreee?" I asked in a sarcastic voice. "Oh me? I'm Fallen. Fallen Warrior, nice to you." Fallen said shaking my hand. "Nice to meet you too, Fallen." I said smiling and looking at Scarlett from the corner of my eye who was sorta scowling at her as she looked at her. Fallen wasn't all too skinny but she wasn't obese either she was the prefect size to me. So what if she had alittle more personality then the average girl should have. She was to me badass. I liked this chick for crying out she was bold enough to approach the gun lord's lover...well ex lover. "Scarlett we can hang with this chick, she's good." I said putting my arm around her shoulders. "SSSSuuurrreee."Scarlett said smiling with a hint of hatred. "Okay, so what's on the menu?" Fallen said taking a spot next to me as we observed the club. We rounded up on shots and vodka and started dirty dancing again and talking to a bunch of guys. We were so fucking white girl wasted we probably didn't know how to stand. Well I can only speak for them. Then I started to get flashes and images of Aizen and Kayden all at once I started stumbling and hyperventilating. "Oh my god, Lauren are you alright?!" Scarlett said shaking me. I was out if until the sounds of commotion started me back into reality. "I gotta get out of here!" I said to them and ran out before the pain could eat me up. I ran so far that I was standing alone high over the dark abyss of water and rocks. I was too eaten up by the pain. I wanted to end this, I couldn't take this pain anymore. So I will force my demise to come sooner than excepted. If this was the only way to happiness so be it. I took a step closer to the edge. My heart was racing rapidly and my palms were sweating. Nobody was here to save me from be it.

So, this is how I die, by the hands of the drink mixed with suicide. Dear me to jump off this South American bridge. I've been drunk with poison of pain, you didn't save me you just let fall to my death. The blood will be on your hands  this time...and you love it. So here lies the body of the ex lover of the notorious gun lord. The wind whipped through my hair as I stared down into the dark abyss, standing at the edge of death, if it's the only way you'll stay with me, so be it. "1...2...3...4...5..." I said stepping closer. "Angel, stop! Don't do it!" Aizen said running. "6..7..8..9..10!" I said about to jump. "Angel listen to me. Please. You're drunk, you don't know what you're doing. You're drunken with the pain. Look at what I've done to you." Aizen said grabbing my shoulders and pulling me back to safety. "No, you won't stay with's the only way." I said bursting into tears. "No, no, no. You're wrong. I'm here. I love you. I shouldn't have hurt you like this. At the time I was too selfish to understand how much I needed you. Please stay, for me." Aizen said now on his knees. "You promise?" I asked sniffing. "I swear it on my life, just please." Aizen begged. "I'll do it. For you. I'll do it because I love you and I'm afraid of losing you, even if you aren't afraid of losing me." I said holding his hand tightly. "I'm beyond afraid of losing you, Angel you are my fucking life, heart, body, and soul. You are my eternal hell and undying salvation." Aizen preached passionately. I kissed him deeply as he held me tightly. "How did you find me?" I asked through the kiss. " I came looking for you, and I saw you come here to almost try to commit suicide...because of me." Aizen said squeezing me to his chest. I nodded and kissed him once more. So the kiss of true love would be the one to save me after all.

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