imagine for jackie107540

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*based on the ezria scene where they kiss in the rain and teen wolf kiss scene in the rain*

Jackie's pov

i moved to L.A with my best friend y/BFF/n. we were here because she got a job offer. right now i was exploring L.A since I've never been here before. i decided to go to this little coffee shop i saw on the way to the apartment. it was called the  'Jahrgang Kaffee' which was German for vintage cafe. as soon as i walked in i was mesmerized by the place. everything about screamed vintage.

i placed my order and sat down to wait

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i placed my order and sat down to wait. the lady called my name and handed me the drink. i was heading out the door when someone bumped into me and i ended up spilling the drink all over him.

"oh my im so sorry" i said trying to clean his shirt with a napkin.

"its fine, im the one who bumped into you" he said stopping me from cleaning his shirt. (im the one, im the one....ill go home)

"im so sorry can i buy you another drink?" he offered. I  smiled and nodded. 

"im Daniel by the way" he said.

"im Jackie" i said smiling at him

we ended up getting to know each other and realized how much we actually have in common. Daniel offered to show me around L.A.

----time skip because idk---

its been a few months since i moved to L.A. its honestly such a beautiful place and i wouldn't have gotten to experience it without Daniel's help, he was the sweetest person. over the months I've gotten so close to him. i have a huge crush on him but i don't know if he feels the same way. 

either way i don't think it will ever happen, since my best friend is moving to new York for a job transfer (i dont know if that is what you call it but oh well)

i was devastated when she told me. i have grown to love L.A so much and now we were leaving.

i told Daniel through text because i couldn't bare to face him. right now were we packing up the last of everything and putting it in the car. as soon as we got on the road it started to rain heavily which caused a lot of traffic. i was sitting in the back seat thinking about everything when i said    

" y/bff/n i can't leave with you. im sorry" i said.

"i knew you wouldn't be able to leave, its OK i understand, let me just get out of this traffic jam" she said. I really wanted to call Daniel but my phone's battery died out. i looked out the window and saw cars everywhere.

we are never getting out of this traffic i thought to myself. then i grabbed my bag that was next to me and opened the car door.

"Jackie what are you doing?" my bff asked

"i have to go" i said heading out the door.

"Jackie wai-" i closed the door before she could finish. i looked around as the rain soaked my hair.

i walked towards the opposite direction of my bff's car. i don't know where exactly i was going, but i had to find Daniel. i continued walking until i heard someone get out of they're car and yell my name. i turned around and sure enough it was Daniel. i ran to him and hugged him.

"Daniel what are you doing in this traffic jam?" i asked getting my wet hair out of my face

"i was going to stop you from going to New York. i needed to tell you how i feel" he explained. i smiled.

"guess what?" i said.

"im not going to new York. i couldn't leave here knowing that i never told you how i felt."

"so your not going to new York" he asked holding my face in his hands. i nodded in response.

"good" he said and suddenly he leaned in and kissed me. I was taken by surprised but kissed back. after we broke apart we both laughed

"I've always wanted to do that" i said smiling  up at him.

"me too" he said still holding my face with his hands. he took my hand in his and ran back to his car since there were cars beeping at us.

"Jackie i really like you....will you be my girlfriend?" Daniel asked once we were in the car.

"of course i thought you'd never ask" i said smiling

A/N hope you like it. if not i can change it.

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