imagine for chessajerikayass

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chloe pov's

today me and the boys were going to Logan's house to help him with a video. once we got there, we could hear him from outside of his apartment. "what up logang what's popping?" he said. "today the why dont we boys, Chloe and I  are going to be building a ramp" he explained. "speaking of the boys, they should be here by now" he said. we heard him run to the door and open it for us.

"thank God we've been waiting out here for a couple of minutes now" i joked. "oh im sorry" Logan said to the camera. we laughed and went to the balcony to get started on the ramp.

"where is my favorite boy?" i said looking for Kong. "im right here" Daniel said. "i meant Kong" i said laughing. "you've been replaced, Kong gets all the girls Daniel" Logan said joking. 

as i went to pet kong i heard Logan say. "see logang, thats why i love having them over. i love the cute couple and there banter and also touching jacks hair" he said. i laughed at that last part.

"so Chloe do you plan on helping us?" Logan asked while putting a block on the floor. "yeah i am helping, bye keeping Kong company" i said. i was holding logan's camera while he and the boys put the ramp. 

"see guys. just act like your blogging and you dont have to help" i said to the camera. (jake paul reference)

"i heard that" Logan screamed. i laughed and they continued to build the ramp. once it was done the boys started riding a small bike over the ramp.

"Chloe are you going to do it?" Logan asked. 

"yes definitely" i said getting up and setting Kong down. 

"no she's not" Daniel said "oh, yes but no" Logan said. "so what's it gonna be?" he asked challenging Daniel. the rest of the boys started chanting 'do it' 'do it' 

"Chloe be a maverick" Logan yelled as i got on the bike. "Chloe dont do ti" Daniel said. "sorry dany but im a maverick" i said as i rode the bike up the ramp at a fast speed and landed sitting down on the cushions.

"ooh i slammed my butt on the ground" i said repeating corbyn's actions from earlier. "see i told you" corbyn said happy that he wasn't the only one that it happened to. Daniel rushed towards me "are you OK?" he asked helping me up. "yes Daniel im fine" i said laughing. "that was awesome" i said.

we spent the rest of the day having fun on the ramp. we ended up losing track of time and had to stay at logan's for the night.

corbyn and Jonah were sharing a room with Evan and jack and zach shared with Logan while Daniel and I got the couch.

we woke up in the morning to Logan pointing a camera to our faces. "wake up" he screamed as we both jolted up. we ate breakfast and headed back to our house.

i went on Instagram and saw that Logan had tagged us on his recent post.

i went on Instagram and saw that Logan had tagged us on his recent post

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caption: this would be super cute if it weren't on my couch....please leave.... lots of love logan x

i laughed once i saw the caption and commented

"@loganpaul are you sure you wanted us to leave?" 

"nah, you guys are too cute" he replied.

@seaveydaniel : yeah we are pretty cute aren't we

i looked at Daniel who was sitting next to me. he gave me a goofy grin before hugging me. 

A/N i hope you liked it. if not i can change it. (i have been wanting to use that photo since forever)

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