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3rd person pov

jack is sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. "hey whats up dude why are do you look so down?" jonah asks sitting next to him.

"it's nothing really, its stupid" jack said looking up. "well its not that stupid if your so down about it" Jonah responded.

"its just i like someone" jack said truthfully.

"really who?" Jonah asked curiously. 

jack looked at Jonah and then looked back down "no one" he said.

"come on bro you can tell me" Jonah urged jack.

"her" jack said. "who" Jonah said 

"her" jack repeated. "dude i dont understand, who is her?" Jonah asked confused.

"her, the girl reading this" jack said in a duh tone.

"oh the girl that is reading this. so you have a crush on the reader?" Jonah asked smirking.

"yeah i do. i really like her" jack said blushing.

"oh" Jonah said in a duh tone.

"what would you do if she found out?" Jonah asked. "oh God Jonah please dont tell her" jack pleaded. "she probably doesn't feel the same way" jack said sadly.

"jack i think she knows" Jonah said. jacks eyes widened in shock "h-how?" he asked

"dude she is reading this right now" Jonah said. jack heard this and his heart started beating fast.

"oh y/n, im sorry you had to find out this way. but i do like you a lot" jack says confessing to the reader (you)

"he's crazy about you" jonah adds.

"so will you go out with me?" jack pleads with you.

what is your response? leave your response to jack in the comments.

A/N in case you dont understand, jack is confessing his love to the reader (you) and he is asking you to go out with him. what is your response? leave it in the comments.

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