imagine for CgSteliga

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Caley's pov

"have a nice day' the cashier says handing me my coffee. "finally' i mumble. i had been waiting for almost 15 minutes. as im walking out the door i realize that this wasn't the drink that i had ordered. frustrated i walk back to the cashier and tell her this wasn't what i ordered

"oh im sorry this is my first day" she apologizes. i smile kindly at her before sitting back down and waiting. i was looking through my phone while waiting when i saw a figure sit in the chair beside of me. i looked up and saw a boy.

"sorry i hope you dont mind, there's no more seats" he said. "no its ok" i say smiling at him.

"so she got your order wrong as well?" he asks "yeah she said she was knew here" i say laughing.

" im zach by the way" he say extending his arm for me to shake. i shook his hand and said "im caley"

" you from around here?" he asks "yeah im from (somewhere) " i tell him.

and that's how we ended up sparking a conversation. we didn't even realize the lady calling my name. "CALEY" the girl screams. i get up and walk to get my coffee. 

i look at the cup and groan at the fact that they spelled my name wrong 'Khale' how can you get "Caley" wrong.

as i was looking at the cup i saw zach stand up "it was nice talking to you, maybe we could hang out some time" he says. " yeah we should" i blushed and gave him my number

---------------------------time skip--------------------------

"yeah and that's how we met" i tell the crowd who was currently at our wedding dinner ceremony. some of the crowd erupted in laughter while the others were in awe.

"hey, who knew that a new employee messing up everyone's order would bring us together" zach said laughing from beside me. i smiled at him and kissed him.

'who knew...' i thought to myself as i smiled at the man sitting next to me

a/n its been so long and i have been sick lately so im so sorry this is extremely late. also i start hell- i mean school tomorrow so yeah someone please find out where i live and shoot me before hand thanks. btw i have a list of peoples imagines so i didnt forget. hope you like it. if not i can change it

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