imagine for Skylar_Clearwat.

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skylar's POV

"i cant believe this is happening" i said worried. "come down skylar" my best friend said trying to comfort me. "how am i going to tell him" i said. by now i was shaking. "look you need to sit" she said. "just call him" she said. "Daniel is a good guy, im sure he will understand and be supportive during this time" she tried comforting me. i breath heavily and got my phone out.

i shakily dialed his number and waited for him to answer. he was on tour at the moment, and he had been for a month by now. after a few rings he picked up. "hey babe whats up" his perky voice sounded at the other end. "um Daniel, we um need to talk. are you sitting down?" i asked. 

"um yeah, i am now. whats going on?" he asked worried. "Daniel im" i said but stopped myself. 'go on' my best friend mouthed. "Daniel i-im pregnant" i said nervously. there was a moment of silence before Daniel spoke up again. "you cheated on me??!!" he asked. i could tell his voice was of anger and disappointment. "what no i-i" i tried to say but he cut me off. "i cant believe you skylar!" he said now full yelling. "no Daniel list-" i tried but he still didn't let me finish. "we are over" he said and hung up. i couldn't believe what had just happened. i cried on my best friend shoulder. i didn't know what i was going to do. how was i going to be a single mother. my best friend offered for me to stay at her house.

-2 years later

it had been two years since i last heard from Daniel. i tried to call him after i had given birth to 2 beautiful twins boys, but he didn't answer.

 i tried to call him after i had given birth to 2 beautiful twins boys, but he didn't answer

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you could tell that they looked just like him. there names were (idk what ever you want them to be) 

right now my best friend and I were walking around town when we decided to get something to eat at jimmy john's . 

while she was ordering i sat down with the twins. i heard the door open and a few people came in.

"skylar?" one of them said. i looked back and saw zach. oh no i thought to myself. "zach what are you talking about?" Daniel asked looking in the same direction he was looking in. once he spotted me his eyes went wide. he walked up to me surprised. "hey skylar its been a while" he said casually. "yeah it has" i said looking down at my kids. the rest of the boys came up to me as well. "omg they are so cute" jack said when one of them grabbed his finger. "they look exactly like Daniel" he said. everyone went silent after that and Jonah hit jack in the back of the head.

"impossible, i cheated on him remember" i said sarcastically/angry. i got up and waited for my best friend outside. once she was done ordering we headed back home. 

i told her what happened and she started proceeded to call Daniel various names that i cant really say. i went up to put the boys to sleep. i was up there for awhile when i heard shouting from downstairs. 

"YOU LEFT HER, REMEMBER, SO WHY SHOULD I LET YOU EVEN TALK TO HER YOU D-" i cut her off before she could continue. "whats going on here? i just put the twins to sleep" i asked. that's when i noticed Daniel standing by the doorway

"Daniel what are you doing here?" i asked crossing my arms. i told y bff to leave us alone for a minute

"skylar i know i messed. like really bad and i haven't been here for 2 years. i know i dont deserve it but please let me be in the twins life" he begged. he looked like he was a bout to cry. 

i thought for a moment. the twins do need their father and deserve to know who he is. 

"ok, but just for them" i said. "oh thank you so much skylar" he said spinning me around.

from that day on Daniel would visit almost everyday and even took them with him on weekends. as for me and him, we started getting close again and eventually started going out again. 

A/N and eventually they get married. i did not know how to end this (like in most of them for some reason) i hope you liked it, if not i can change it or add to it.

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