Imagine for SeaveySlytherin

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3rd person pov

daniel and his girlfriend Izzy have always had a rockyrelationship from the start. Between cheating rumors or even thedumbest of arguments. Despite all of this they still remainedtogether. It was like the more they fought, the closer they were. You could say it was a love hate situation. There were times whereeither of them would threaten to leave or break up. At one point Izzyactually did break up with him, only for him to end up running backto her. The boys had grown tired of their constant arguments over thedumbest of things. They thought izzy and Daniel wouldn't last amonth, but to their surprises its been three years. They thought izzyand daniel were toxic for each other, but turns out they were exactlywhat each of them needed.

It seems that every time they get to a good place they keep goingback to fighting. Its like they live for the arguments. As a matterof fact they were arguing at this moment.

"what re we even fighting for?" Daniel said frustrated.

" it seems like we do this just for fun" izzy laughedsarcastically.

"can we end this stupid war between us" daniel asked fallingonto the couch

"that's what you say now, but I assure you that a hour from nowwe're probably going to be arguing for something totally stupid"izzy said sighing.

"we could actually try not to piss of each other" daniel saidlaughing. Izzy laughed beside him as well.

"you know despite the fact that we're always fighting, I doactually love you" daniel said truthfully.

"i love you too"i zzy smiled.

Daniel and izzy both sat on the couch watching t.v in silence.Enjoying each others company.

sure enough as izzy predicted a few hours later, when the boysshowed up they were once again arguing about a t.v show.

"omg must you guys always argue. You guys act more like brotherand sister than a couple" zach complained.

"shut up zach" both daniel and izy said at the same time.

"i thought you said we were done arguing over stupid stuff"Izyy said. "yeah well I thought you were actually going to try notto argue over stupid stuff" daniel fired back.

" I am trying, but it seems that no matter what we do we stillget into arguments anyways" izzy sighed.

"well I guess you can say its a love hate relationship" danielsaid calming himself down and hugging izzy.

"look im sorry your right. From now on we're going to try not toargue as much. I love you and im tired of the constant fighting"daniel said kissing the top of her head.

"im sorry too. I love you too and im tired of fighting as well,so lets try not to fight as much" she said smiling at him.

"finally" zach said happily which made the pair laugh at hiseagerness to get them to stop fighting.


from that day on daniel and izzy had made a goal for themselves tostop fighting or argue less. They even went to couples counseling tohelp. From that day the arguments became less and less. Sure theysdtill fought but it was at a normal rate and it wasn't all the time.The relationship was taking a healthy path.

A/N this took long, but its here. It was inspired by rock bottom-hailee steinfield ft. dnce. Tbh I had no idea what you asked for orif you were asking for an imagine, but oh well. I hope you like itand if not I can change it.  

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