imagine for ElissaAnn12

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Elissa pov

"hey Elissa when do you plan on coming out of this room?" daniel asks me from the doorway. "never" i say into a pillow. "oh come on, you cant just stay here moping around" he says sitting beside me. " i can and will" i say. "look i know your hurting, but you cant let him make you feel this way" daniel says. " i thought we had something" i say sadly. " i know" daniel says rubbing my back in a comforting way. " but apparently not" i finish saying. i really liked zach and for the past few months we had gotten close and i thought we had something but today that was all gone when he walked into the house holding a girls hand. her name was Kat. 

we were all just sitting down watching t.v when he came in and announced that she was his girlfriend. the second those words left his mouth my heart shattered. of course all the guys knew and they couldnt stop looking at me waiting for a reaction. i simply faked a smile and greeted her nicely.

and that leaves us where we are now. " lighten up " daniel says. i mumble a few words and stay in the exact same position. " when your ready to get out i will be waiting" daniel says getting up and leaving.

---------------skip to a month or so-------

a month or so had passed and Kat and zach were still dating. as for me, well i was trying to get over him. since kat came along we dont talk as much. only the occasional hello and good night. today i was actually going out on a date with i guy named Tod that i met a while back.

the doorbell rang signaling that Tod was here to pick me up. " hey Tod" i say opening the door

" you ready?" he asks. i look behind me to see the boys playing video games. daniel gives me a thumbs up and i laugh before heading out.

3rd person pov

"where is Elissa going?" zach asks curiously. " she going on a date" daniel says

" a date? with who?" zach asks. "why so curious?" daniel says suspiciously " no reason" zach says. "well she went out with her friend Tod" daniel says. " what Tod? that guy is trouble" zach says instantly. " what do you mean, i met him, he's really nice" daniel says.

zach shrugs and continues playing games

Elissa pov

" i had a good time today" i tell Tod. he smiles and kisses my cheek before leaving me at the door step of the house. as i get in i see zach sitting down watching t.v

"hey zach" i say walking to my room but not before i hear him say "how was you date?". the way he asked was a really mean one. " it was good" i say. " you could do so much better" i hear him mumble. i walk over to him. " Tod is a very nice guy and i dont appreciate you  butting in my love life

" i tell him. zach scoffs and says " that guy is no good" zach says "and how do you know" i asks annoyed. " i just know" he says. "no you dont get to do that" i tell him. "you dont get to tell me who is good and who's not" i say angrily. "he's not good enough for you" zach repeats. he gets up and walks towards me "none of them are good for you" he says walking towards me. 

" and who would be good for me" i asks as barely a whisper. "me" he whispered before kissing me. i kiss back and then realize whats happening and push him back. " you have a girlfriend" i tell him.

" i broke up with her, once i realize" he said. 

"realized what?" i asked 

"she wasn't you" he said

a/n hope you like it, if not i can change it. sorry for the long wait

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