imagine for emmalee82515

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emmalee's pov

jack was out getting (somthing idk) and i was bored so i called my best friend zach over. he and I have become very close ever since jack introduced us. we were basically inseparable since day one.  "hey zach im boreeeeddd" i whined over the phone. he laughed before saying "im coming over" and hung up. half an hour later zach showed up and i let him in. 

we decided to watch a movie on Netflix.  "im going to make popcorn" i said getting up. "you pick the movie but nothing like the last time" i said giving him a look. he held his arms up in defense "fine no Nicholas sparks movies" he said. i laughed and went to the kitchen to heat up the popcorn. 

"ok i put the movie on hurry up" zach shouted from the living room. "ok im going let me get a bowl" i said trying to reach for the bowl that was in the cabinet, but i couldn't reach it. "zach can you help me" i said. he came to where i was and laughed. i was on top of the counter trying to reach for this bowl. "shut up and help me" i told him. "fine i will help you" he said laughing. "ok let me get do-" i said before i slipped and fell on top of him. "wow you short and a klutz" zach laughed. "shut up" i said laughing. "what the hell is going on?" jack said standing by the doorway. i realized what this looked like. i was on top of zach in a bad position. 

i scrambled to get off of him, helping him up in the process. "zach was just helping me reach for a bowl" i explained. jack was silent. "i should go" zach said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "zach wai-" i tried saying but was cut off by jack. "yeah you should, see you tomorrow zach" jack said walking zach to the door and closing it behind him."jack it's not what it looked like" i explained. 

"i know i just" he stopped himself from saying anything else. "you just what?" i asked confused.

"nothing" he said looking the other way. that's when i realized what was going on. "jack Avery are you jealous?" i asked amused. 

"what no" he tried to defend himself. i gave him a long stare. "ok ok fine, but its just that your always with zach" he said looking down. "jack i don't like zach that way. i only see him as a little brother" i said laughing. "your the only one i love" i said wrapping my arms around his waist, hugging him. "good cause i don't want to lose you" he said looking down at me. "you wont" i said getting on my tippy toes and kissing him.

"zach is right you are short" he laughed kissing my nose. "shut up you dork" i laughed. "thats it" he announced before lifting me up and throwing me on the couch. he then proceeded to tickle me. "j-jack s-stop" i laughed. "not until you admit that im not a dork" he said laughing as well.

"o-ok ok your not a dork" i said laughing. he stopped and smiled. "good" he said kissing me once again.

 "good" he said kissing me once again

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" you want to watch a movie?" i asked looking up at him

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" you want to watch a movie?" i asked looking up at him. he smiled and said "ok but i'll get the popcorn and you pick the movie". "deal" i said getting the remote and looking for a good movie while jack got the popcorn. 

"so what are we watching?" jack asked placing the bowl of popcorn in front of us and sitting next to me. "we're watching (idk whatever you want)" i said. "i knew you would pick that" he said laughing. 

we spent the night cuddling and watching movies together.

A/N i suck at making things cute, so im sorry if this isn't what you asked for. i hope you like it and if not i can totally change it.

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