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Lauren's POV

Today is the day we go in for a drug test. Today is the day we find out if we were drugged into forgetting what happened that night.

I drive to the address Detective Robin gave me. When I get there Sarah is sitting in her car. I get out and tap on the window. She looks up from her phone with tears in her eyes and I see what she was looking at. It's a picture of all three of us at Megan's house. We are all smiling except Megan who's making a silly face.

Sarah gets out of the car and hugs me. I hug her back and we both cry together. I pull back from the hug and wipe a tear away from her cheek.

"Come on, let's go inside. The sooner we finish this the sooner we can go home." I say, giving her a sad smile. She nods and I take her hand as we walk inside.

As we walk in, the smell of sanitizer and cleaning supplies is overwhelming. At least we know it's clean... i walk up to the lady at the desk who's typing away on her computer and shoving papers into files. She looks up at me as I approach.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" She asks cheerfully.

"Hi um, my friend and I are um here for a um..... drug test." I stutter.

"Ok... and your names?"

"Lauren McBonny and Sarah Smith"

"Ok. Right this way please." She gets up from her spot at the desk and leads us down a hallway to a small room. "Just wait here and I'll get a nurse in shortly. Would you two like to stay together or be in separate-"

"We'll stay together." I interrupt. The front desk lady walks back to the front and we're left alone.

"I'm nervous" Sarah mutters.

"Me too." I say. Will we ever get our memory back? Will we ever find out who has done this?

My thoughts are interrupted by the door opening and a doctor walking in. He is quite tall and look young. His name tag says Dr. Samuel Wilson.

"Hello girls, my name is Dr. Wilson. I understand you are here for a drug test?" His voice is deep but kind, and I can see Sarah relax a little. We both nod our heads.

"Well let's start with you." He says, nodding in my direction. I gulp. "Have you taken any medication in the last 24 hours?" He asks.

"No," I reply nervously. He continues to ask me questions about my health.

Finally, he says "ok, I think it's time for the test. Roll up your sleeve for me please" he says while turning to get a needle. I tense up. I HATE needles. I reluctantly do what I'm told and he takes some blood. He then asks Sarah the same questions and does the same test.

"Ok, we can have the results in a few hours." He says once we're finished.

"That's it?!" I exclaim. I was expecting it to be longer. He explains that the technology to find the type of drug they are looking for is quite fast. We thank him and leave. 

"Are you okay?" Sarah asks me as we walk out of the clinic.

"Not at all. You?" I reply.

"I miss her," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

I pull her into a hug. Over her shoulder, I see someone watching us from a parked car on the street. The windows are darkened and I can't make out the details, but I know they're staring at us.

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