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Sarah's POV

I'm in the middle of a phone call when I hear a knock at my door.

"I gotta go. Someone's at my door and if it's Lauren she can't know I'm talking to you." I say before I hang up the phone. I run downstairs and answer the door. Sure enough, it's Lauren.

"Hey!" I say, trying to sound perky. We go up to my room and I lay back on my bed.

Lauren starts to ask me about the pills Dr. Wilson gave us. Stupid doctors. They are going to ruin everything!

My eyes shift towards my bathroom where I flushed all the pills and I hesitate before answering. Maybe if I can convince her they don't work she will stop taking them! I think to myself.

I tell her I researched them and they're fake. Judging by the disappointed look on her face, she believed me. I have to stop myself from smiling. Lauren's always been the gullible one.

Those pills are the one thing that can ruin all my hard work. I have to get Lauren to stop taking them before it's too late.


Lauren's POV

The next morning, I wake up late and almost miss my doctors appointment. I grunt and roll out of bed. Shoot! I almost never sleep so late! It's noon! I think to myself. I don't bother having breakfast before I run out the door.

As I pull up to Dr. Wilsons clinic, I see that they're doing renovations. Finally! I think to myself. This building is so old!

As I walk into the front, I see the familiar woman typing away on her computer. She smiles when she sees me.

"You can go right ahead, sweetie." She says.

"Thanks." I say as I walk past. She must have been off sick when I called yesterday.

Dr. Wilson is in the room already when I walk in.

"Hello ms. McBonny, please have a seat." He says. I sit on one of the uncomfortable stools. "What can I do for you today?"

"Do you remember the pills that you gave us previously? The ones for the memory loss?" I ask.

"Why yes of course!" He says.

"Well... when I take them before I go to bed.... while I'm sleeping-"

"You start to dream the memories." He finishes.

"Yes..... how did you know?" I ask, puzzled.

"It's very common with this medication taken before bed. It stimulates the brain into imagining the memories while you sleep, making it seem very real in a dream." He says.

"So they're real? They're not just my imagination?" I ask excitedly.

He chuckles. "No no, they're very real. Those memories did in fact happen the night you were drugged."

I stand up. "That's great! Thank you!" I start to leave.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" He asks before I can leave.

"Nope. That's it. Thanks Dr. Wilson."

"No problem. Good luck!" He says as I rush out the door. I can't wait to tell Sarah.


After my doctors appointment, I rush home to call Sarah and tell her the news.

I dial her number and she answers after the third ring.

"Hey guess what!" I say before she can say anything.

"Hello to you too!" She says sarcastically.

I ignore the comment. "I went to go see Dr. Wilson and he says the pills really do work! Isn't that great? We can get our memories back!!!" I practically shout.

She's silent for a few seconds. "That's great!" She says. "I gotta go." She hangs up before I can say anything. That was weird.... I think to myself. She's been acting strange ever since that night! Maybe she's still in shock....? I shrug and go back up to my room.

I call Aaron but he doesn't answer. I leave him a text to call me later. I really need to see him.


Sarah's POV

As soon as I hang up from Lauren I throw my phone across the room. UGH! She went to the doctors??? Now she'll never stop taking those pills! I think. This is bad. Very bad. I need to do something. Soon. Then an idea pops in my head.

I think I know what I have to do.

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