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Lauren's POV (dream)

This time, I'm not in the perspective of my own body. It's as if I have a view above everything, and I can see.... everything. I don't know how this is possible, but it's as if I'm watching this from another point of view.

A scream, a bang, and nothing more. That's all we hear of Megan's murder.

We heard the pain in her scream and started to run to the door. I stop dead in my tracks as I see the scene in front of my eyes.

The blood. So much blood. The smell is overwhelming. Sarah pushes past me but stops as she sees the horror that is Megan's deceased body. She shoots her hand up to cover her mouth. I squeeze my eyes shut as I try not to gag. I get out my phone to call 911 when I realize there's no signal.
"Lauren let's g-go for a walk to f-find a cell signal" Sarah says, her voice cracking. I nod slowly, not taking my eyes off the scene as tears stream down my face. I haven't quite processed the situation. I just want to get away from this to call for help. Maybe we can save her.

Or maybe it's too late.

I run down the road with Sarah as I sob. This can't be real. It must be a dream.

After running for a few minutes, Sarah finally get a signal. She dials 911 as fast as she can.

Then it all happens so fast. I hear footsteps behind me. I whip around but as soon as I hear a voice talking on Sarah's phone, someone grabs me. I catch a glimpse of the killer.


He grabs me and injects me with something in a large vial and I slump down to the ground. His chest is covered in.... blood?

No. No no no no no! It can't... he can't.... I...... I can't think straight. This must be wrong. It can't be.....

Sarah smiles deviously and... kisses Aaron? What the hell is going on?! I scream in my head. Aaron is the killer? No. He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't cheat on me and he wouldn't kill someone. It had a to be wrong. This is not possible. Aaron starts to speak.

"She called the cops, I gotta go. Here, take this. Inject it in yourself and you'll pass out. Bury it first. It's not enough for the memory loss though, don't worry. Just enough to show up in your blood test."

Sarah takes the vial and smiles. "Thanks baby. We finally got rid of that bitch." She leans up and kisses him again and I almost throw up, but it's not real. It's a dream. It can't be real. Is it?

Sarah injects the liquid into her arm as Aaron disappears into the shadows. She then burst the vial in an already dug hole beside a tall maple tree. They must have dug that before this... they planned this night. They planned on killing meg.

End of dream

My eyes flutter open slowly, remembering the dream. Confusion, sadness and betrayal wash over me all at the same time. I try to reach for my phone to look at the time when I realize I can't. What the... I think as I realize my hands are tied up above my head. I look around and for the first time I see Sarah, sitting in the corner, watching me.

"Sarah what the hell?!" I say angrily. A shadow starts moving from behind her and Aaron steps out into the limited light. "Aaron?" My face goes pale as I realize what this is.

They don't answer me, instead Sarah stands up and starts walking over to me slowly. "I warned you not to take those pills. I warned you not to get involved. But you didn't listen." She says in a dark voice.

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