The Unknown Daughter of the Charmed Ones

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Lets just say that... My family lines are that of supreme magic and goodness. My Mom and two Aunts combined make THE Charmed Ones.

The most powerful Witches know to man and the most selfless people the world has ever met. All right I may or may not be exaggerating. They were forced to be nice. I mean if they weren't then they were classified as 'evil' or... something like that, but basically you use your magic in the wrong way you would be punished constantly and none of the options are very fun... Except being evil. That's a little fun.

Well that was how it was, at least till my brothers, cousins, and I came along. My oldest brother is named Wyatt. He has curly blonde hair, light blue eyes, really handsome but he looks almost identical to my Dad, Leo, who is a fallen Angel.

Then there is my twin and I. Chris Perry happens to be his name, and flirting is his game. With his light brown hair, and his chocolate brown eyes. He's a lady killer.

Then there's little old me, named Lily McKenna, but I go by McKenna because who goes by Lily? Give me one powerful Witch named Lily that's not Harry Potters Mom. Got you there, didn't I? I have long wavy brown hair, piercing green eyes, and I like my privacy. Many people say I'm 'hot' and 'flirty' and I'll be the first to admit that I am flirty and good at being so.

"So Ken, want to go hang out with Alex and I?" Chris asked.

"She's your flavor of the week?" I asked.

"She most definitely is." He smiled with a little flirty wink.

I rolled my eyes then I looked at him and said, "Sorry. Mom has me working on TBCO."

TBCO stands for Twiced-Blessed Charmed Ones. That's Wyatt, Chris, and myself.

"Ugh! Sneak out, Kenna. We both know that your the bad boy..." I coughed and he rolled his eyes, "Girl in this house."

Chris gave me the look and I knew he was gonna end up winning.

"Not when it comes to magic. That's you." I said hitting his chest.

"Please!" He begged.

"Fine." I answered. "You see me now, you see me then. Make me look like I'm... in the den." Then another me appeared in the den and I smiled. "What should I wear?"

"Something nice. We're going to go to this club that only Witches can see. Do you want to know why?" Chris asked. I nodded, playing along with his game. "Wyatt opened it."

"Wyatt's only twenty!" I argued.

"So?" Chris asked.

"He can't even drink yet, Christopher. At least not legally." I said.

"It's not like Humans can see it. It's for Witches only and Witches don't have the same laws as Humans do and if he gets turned in, then what? The cops can't see it. We could be doing way worse than drinking. Like... Destroying the world." Chris said.

I flicked my hand and a short black maxi dress appeared on my body then I looked down and a pair of high heels appeared. They we're black with golden chains running along the ankle and down in between my big toe and the Index toe. With black felt all around it. I put my hair up in a bun with a braid wrapped around it then I had black eye shadow and black lip gloss.

"Happy?" I asked.

"Very. All right I'm going to match with you. 'Cause I'm a great twin brother." Chris said.

"Ok." I snorted.

Chris turned out so handsome that my mouth dropped and he smiled at me. His brown cropped hair was combed to the right. He had a black shirt on underneath and a leather jacket with a pair of black skinny jeans and a pair of black Jordan's.

"So?" He asked.

"You actually look like a guy!" I gasped.

He hit my shoulder and then said, "Is there someone you want to invite?"

"Of course." I grinned.

"Let me guess, Sawyer." He laughed.

I shook my head excitedly.

"It's not my fault I actually like to be committed to one person." I laughed.

"True. Meet me in the Magic School then." Chris said then with a wave of his hand the Magic School door appeared and slid open letting him walk in.

I orbed to Sawyers house instead. I landed in his bed sitting right next to him. He looked over and smiled leaning in and kissing me.

"Hey babe." He said kissing me again.

"Hey'a. Would you like to come to a club with me and my twin?" I asked him.

"Sure." He said.

He snapped and a black shirt with a black vest appeared on his upper torso with black skinny jeans and his most favorite black Supra High Skate Shoes with his short black hair combed up and his blue eyes sparkling.

"Sexy." I whispered then I stood up and kissed him again. "Come on. We're meeting Chris at the Magic School."

He nodded as I took his hand and with that we orbed out of his room and into the library of the magic school.

"Ready?" Chris asked with his arm wrapped around Alex.

"Yep." I answered as Sawyer wrapped his arm around me then we all flashed away.


A.N.- Okay so I loved the show and I loved Chris on the show so I wanted to give him and Lily a small bad side. I always thought it would be fun writing a story like this so I hope you enjoy.

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