Viktor Fischer - part 1

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Today I was finally going to meet him, I was so excited. I have to wake up early but i'd do anything for meeting him. my alarm clock was at seven, when I was finally out my bed I take a shower and put my clothes on. Then I did my hair and my make up. My mom shouted at me 'from downstairs: "WE LEAVE IN FIVE MINUTES!" i looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly nine o'clock. "I AM COMING" I screamed. I grabbed my stuff and ran quickly down the stairs. where everybody was ready to go to Ajax. It was going to be a long ride so I put on my earphones and was thinking about viktor. "what am I going to say to him?" "What if I am so excited that i can't even talk?" "What if I need to cry?" All these thoughts went through my head the whole ride, after more than an hour we were in Amsterdam. It was about another five minutes, it seemed the longest five minutes of my life. When we finally arrived at "the Future" I was in panic. "I am going to see viktor in five minutes" I screamd. Al the people looked at me because i screamd a little bit to loud. But I didn't care what they think because i was going to see viktor! my mom, sister and I walked to the field were they trained. I looked around me and i saw there were not much people, so maybe i can get a hugg! I was complaining that it took so long for the players to came on the field, but exactly when i said they came on. I was looking I could find viktor between al the players, but i couldn't. I was a little bit in schock. "Why was he not on the field?" After Ten minutes he finally came on the field, I was screaming: "VIKTOR YOU'RE THE BEST!" He looked where it came from. But he didn't see me. I take a lot of pictures of viktor, most of the photo's were off his ass. After the training I was the first at him to ask for a picture. We take some pictures, then I asked if i could get a hugg. But he said: "no, my hug's are specieal you have to earn them" I looked weird and ask him: " what do I have to do for you're hugg?" he responded: " you have to give your number" I was is schock and i couldn't talk. He said: "Well? Do you want my hug?" I could finally talk: "yes, ofcours I want!" So I was going to hug him, but he stopped me. "first your number" he said and gave me his phone. So I put my number in his phone and gave it back. Then he hugged me. I was so happy in his arm's, I want to hug him for ever. After two minutes or something we stopped hugging, He picked his phone and set the camera on, i asked: "what are you doing?" he response: "I have to take a picture with you so if you call me I know who you are". we took a picture and I went to other players of Ajax for a picture. When i was going to my car I was looking around if Viktor was still here, but i couldn't find him. In the car we had a lot of fun, then my phone rang. I take my phone out of my pocket en look who it was, i couldn't believe my eyes, i had a text from viktor.

Viktor <3 ; "hello beautifull girl, I can't stop thinking about you. If you give your adres I will send you three tickets for Ajax-Ado so we could meet Again. Xx Viktor"

I was screaming and my mom en sister looked weird at me, they asked why I was screaming so loud. "VIKTOR TEXT ME" I screamd. My mom didn't believe me, I text fast back:

"Hey viktor, i would like to meet you again. Send the tickets to prinsengracht 6, 4759AH. Breda. thank you for the tickets! See you then! Xx Rowena"

my phone was empty and fell out, when we came home we ate. I was very tired and was going to my bed. I watched Ajax Tv, And I saw myself hugging with viktor! on tv! After I watched Ajax Tv My phone was finally on, my phone rang. But i was not so interested in who was talking so I was going to post a picture of Viktor and me on instagram. Then I looked from who te texst was, I had a texted from my best friend Selina and Viktor.

Selina: " I was looking ajax tv, and maybe I saw it wrong, but was that you hugging viktor?!"

I response: " OH MYN GOD YES THAT WAS ME!"

Viktor <3: "hey girl, I hope you have a nice sleep tonight and I will think of you tomorrow, I send the tickets tomorrow. Xx Viktor"

Me: "hey Vikkie, I hope you sleep well too. I am so excited for Ajax-ADO! I can't wait to see you again. Xxx"

After I texst him my eyes were getting heavy and I felt a sleep.

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