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Autumn and Harry had walked around the castle, trying to find Professor Lupin to see if he was alright from what had happened. They walked into the classroom and jumped when Lupin spoke.

"Hello, you two."

Autumn wasn't expecting him to see the two of them, seeing as he was turned away from them.

"I saw you coming." Lupin pointed his wand at the Marauder's Map. Lupin flicked his wand at a wooden box. The box began to fold itself properly and tuck itself away on the table it was set on. "I've looked worse, believe me." Lupin assured.

Autumn just noticed the scars on Lupin's face and neck. It must've been from Sirius and Buckbeak.

"You've been sacked!" Harry proclaimed.

"What?" Autumn asked, breaking out of her thoughts. "You haven't done anything wrong!"

"No, no. I've resigned," Lupin assured, even though it didn't make them feel better.

"Resigned? Why?" Harry asked.

"It seems that somebody let slip the nature of my condition," Lupin stated. "At this time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving, and parents will not want a, uh — well, someone like me teaching their children."

"But Dumbledore—"

"Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf, Harry. Besides, people like me, are -- well, let's just say I'm already used to it by now." Lupin cast his wand towards his trunk and it began to pack itself away. "Now, why do the two of you look so sad?"

"None of it made any difference, did it? Pettigrew escaped."

"Didn't make any difference? Harry, it made all the difference in the world! You helped uncover the truth! You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate. It made a great deal of difference." Lupin grabbed his bag. "Now, if I am proud of anything, it's of how much you've learned this year. And since I am no longer your teacher, I have no guilt giving this back to you," Lupin handed Harry the Marauders' Map.

"I am sure we'll meet again sometime. But until then. . ." Lupin looked between the Harry, Autumn, and the map. "Mischief managed."

And Lupin walked out of his old office and out of the classroom.


Autumn was staring at what was just opened before her eyes. She was never into playing Quidditch but apparently this was one hell of a broom.

"Harry! Harry! Wherever did you get it?" Neville ran up to Harry, who just walked into the Great Hall.

"Can I have a go, Harry? After you of course!" Seamus said.

"Quiet, let the man through." Ron said. "I didn't mean to open it, Harry." Ron leaned upon his crutch for support. "It was badly wrapped — and they made me do it!" Ron pointed his finger at the Weasley twins.

"Did not!" They said in sync.

Harry brought away the wrapping and smiled.

"It's a Firebolt." The twins said together. "Fastest broom in the world."

"Whose is it?" Harry looked around for the owner.

"Are you stupid, Harry?" Autumn smirked. "It's yours."

"But. . . Who sent it?"

"No one knows." Ron answered, looking at the broom as well.

"But this came with it." Hermione raised the Hippogriff feather that was in her hand.

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