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Mick stood there...the bloody running down the side of his body staring at Linda in utter shock. Why was she here!! He swallowed 'w- what are you doing back' forgetting about the blood. A tear ran down Linda's cheek slowly 'Johnny said u needed help...you weren't you...and he's right...' she looked broken

There were loads of scars all over Mick's body from where he harmed before. His smooth skin was ruined. The Mick Linda knew was no longer there...

Mick was stood. His legs becoming week again. Linda stood shaking looking at the blood run down the side of him. 'Why Mick' cried Linda slowly.. before Mick could say anything he slowly began to close his eyes becoming weak all over. 'Mick!!' Linda screamed running over and trying to support him. Mick slowly began to fall to the ground gripping onto the side of the bath. Linda laid him on the floor slowly. 'Come on Mick. Please stay with me!! You can't do this. Come on. I love you...I made a mistake. I'm back for good...' Mick's eyes began to close and he had one more thing to say as he again was loosing blood. 'I-I'm...sorry...' he said as his eyes shut. ''No!" Linda screamed at Mick's lifeless body shaking it frantically with his blood all over her hands. She grabbed the towel beside her. 'Please be ok! You have to be ok' she cried. Pressing onto the wound making sure no more blood was lost. She grabbed her phone calling the ambulance. Screaming down the phone trying to get them to get there quick. 'I'm sorry!! I'm so sorry! I should never have left you...please wake up...please' Linda went close to Mick's body sobbing into it and then pulled away looking at the blood all over her hands. Was this it...the end of Mick and Linda for good...

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