12. Promises

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"I miss you already, the house feels empty without you. I got used to you being here." I spoke through the phone, unable to wipe the smile off my face as I spoke to him. It was always like that.

David laughed
"I've been gone," he paused, clearly checking the time, "four hours. How can you miss me already?"

"I just do, okay? The pups miss you too, Dave. Can't you come back?" I whined, sighing. I was laid in bed, under the covers, my body aching at his absence having not slept alone in over a week.

"Simon Cowell, I'm not moving in with you. You're too annoying." He teased.

"Shut up, I'm going to bed. I love you." I told him, a small smirk on my face.

"I love you, too. Bye." He said cheerfully, yelling the bye down the phone.

"Bye, babe." I laughed, hanging up.

I sighed in content, turning out the light and thinking. What would it be like in the office tomorrow? Normal? I mean, does everyone have to know that he's my boyfriend? I suppose so. I decided to tweet something to hint at it.

It was true: tomorrow did seem like a year away

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It was true: tomorrow did seem like a year away. Clicking the off button on my phone and setting it down on the counter top, I rested my head on the pillow, closed my eyes, and fell into a sleep full of dreams.

A buzz woke me up the next morning.

from: demi
hey simon! please tell me that tweet is about that assistant of yours?! u were adorable together at summer time ball

I rolled my eyes and sighed. Everyone was so nosy, even if thy were close friends of mine. Deciding that I would speak to David later about telling everyone we were together, I replied,
to: demi
were you born this annoying or did you have to take classes?

A few hours later, I was sat in my office chair, waiting for David to arrive. It felt like the day didn't start until he got here. I gave my outfit a quick glance over to ensure it was okay. I wore pale blue 'boyfriend' jeans - ironic, I know - and a long sleeved, navy blue v-neck. My hair was combed upwards as normal, and my feet were incased in my favourite black boots. My google alert pinged a few moments later.

Google alert was brilliant: whenever my name was mentioned in any article or website, it was forwarded to me. I clicked on the notification and the wide panned screen opened;

Is Simon Cowell seeing... a man?
Cowell has been spotted with a suspicious brunette over ten times in the last week. But news like this is not rare - SyCo's manager is often spotted out with stunning blonde and beautiful brunette woman - but the fact that it is a man changes this whole thing.
An inside source states that the unknown man works at SyCo... as his assistant.
Stay tuned on Heat to hear more.

"Oh shit." I cursed, rubbing the bridge of my nose with my thumb and forefinger.

"Morning, gorgeous." A voice shook me from my thoughts. I smiled in reply, and he walked over to me, leaning over my chair and kissing my lips. Gripping his hips and pulling him onto my lap, I tugged his shirt closer to my chest and smirked a little.

"Simon!" He squeaked in shock, giggling.

Pushing my lips firmly against his, I tasted cherries and marshmallows. My favourite thing was kissing him, and sometimes I wished that we could ditch work and kiss for hours.

"Cherry lip balm and marshmallow toothpaste?" I whispered.

He blushed, pulling away and biting the corner of his lip, and said,
"You know me a little too well, Simon Cowell."


I groaned as the clock hit five, meaning that the offices were closing. David sighed, and straightened his top. As usual, his outfit was adorable, and he wore pale blue skinny jeans, a red/blue plaid shirt and a grey knitted beanie, pulled back ok his head so the small quiff in his hair was exposed. His lips were red and wet from the amount he bit them, and his eyes were sparkling like usual.

"Can I sleep round tonight?" He asked, smiling a little.

"David Walliams, you are obsessed with me." I teased, making him bite his lip and stick his tongue out at me.

"A little bit," he winked, "but please? I'll make it worth your while." He said smuttily, making my mind wander to different place. I blushed.

"Of course you can. But one thing, there's something I wanted to speak to you about." I replied.

I took a deep breath and told him how I felt about telling everyone about our relationship. Immediately, he shook his head, worrying that everyone would hate him, and want me to be with a woman. After reassuring him, I pulled David into a hug, resting my head in the crook of his neck and softly pressing my lips onto the skin exposed by the collar.

"I promise you, I won't let them say anything about you. You're too perfect." I murmured.

"Okay, we'll do it. We'll tell everyone. Tomorrow, though." He whispered, causing me to nod in agreement and pull away from him.

"Shall we go, baby?" I asked, taking his hand in mine.

"Yes. Let's." He grinned.

two days later

He stormed in through the door of the office, trembling, his face tear stained, and slammed a stack of newspapers on my desk. The titles varied from Simon's Sex Slave to Cowell's Kinky Kiss and Tell.

"What the fuck is this?" He asked, his hands shaking, his voice cracking at the end.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't think they'd-" I stuttered, before he cut me off.

"No, Simon, you fucking didn't think at all. You promised that you would handle this and not let them stay stuff like this!" He exclaimed, a tear sliding down my face and running a hand through his hair. He looked as though he hadn't gotten much sleep, he had bags under his eyes.

"When did you see these?" I asked, rubbing my face in my hands.

"Last night."

"Why didn't you tell me then?" I questioned.

"Because I was pissed off with you, Simon!" He yelled.

"Me? Why are you pissed off at me? I can't control what they say!" I shouted in reply.

"Ugh, this is shit, I can't deal with this." David muttered, stalking out the room and slamming the door behind him.

Simon, don't make promises you can't keep, love!
Enjoy, sorry for the late update.

Love you all!☀️

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Twitter -  DavidWFan
Email - DamonFan2@Outlook.com
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