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I step aside and let Sanha in. "What...um...what are you doing here?" I ask awkwardly as I close the door behind him.

"Oh! I came to deliver your homework...and you left your bag in the practice room yesterday..." He says setting the bag on the floor and handing me the folder with the homework.

"You're not even in my class though." I say placing the folder on a table nearby.

"Ah yeah..." Once again Sanha scratches the back of his neck and smiles. "Well I was gonna return your bag today at school but you weren't at lunch so I checked your home room and they said you weren't there. So I asked the class officer if I could just deliver the homework too."

"Thanks." I smile slightly.

"Are you okay?" Sanha asks seriously.

"Huh?" I look up at him.

"I mean are you sick or..." He trailed off nervously.

"Ah! I'm okay. I just...uh...had a bad night that's all..." We stand in silence for a minute before we both try to say something at the same time.

"You go first. No, wait. I'll go first." I sigh. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do...what I did yesterday."

"You're sorry? For what? Leaving?" Sanha was confused.

"I mean for...um...kissing you...and leaving..." I said shyly looking down. I just hear a chuckle.

"Pretty sure I kissed you. I should be the one to say sorry." I look up and stare into his beautiful brown eyes.

Is this not one sided for once?

I swear I always put all my love into something or someone only to have everything crash down in front of me because of how much I love but how much others don't love back.

It happened with my family, and him.

But is this time different?

"Can I ask you something?" I say quietly,

Sanha nods awaiting my question.

"Do you...like me? Not as a friend but in 'that' way you kno-"

Interrupted by the same pair of lips from yesterday, but this time on my cheek.

He pulls away his cheeks as red as ever.

"Does that answer your question?" He asks.

"바보...(Idiot...)" I hit him lightly.

"If it doesn't, then my answer is yes. But the real question is do you like me back?" He looks into my eyes hoping to find an answer.

"Nope." I say turning away from him."

"야! 뭐해!! 왜요?!! (Hey!! What!! Why?!!)" Sanha whines like a child chasing after me.

I turn around to laugh and tell him I was just kidding.

"So does that make us..." Sanha asks shyly.

"Hmm I don't know. I guess one of us has to ask first." I chuckle.

"So will you be my--" Sanha gets cut off by me overlapping him with my voice.

"Sanha. Be my 남친?!! (Boyfriend)" I say dramatically like out of a drama and he laughs and whines about me interrupting him.

"바보...(Idiot...)" He playfully hits me and suddenly there's the sound of the key turning.

Just You and I (ASTRO Sanha)Where stories live. Discover now