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"오, 끝났어! (Oh, we finished!)" Sanha exclaims.

"Already? What time is it?" I ask grabbing my phone. "It's already 7:30?!"

I sit up.

"너 배고파? (Are you hungry?)" Sanha asks getting up and turning the tv off.

"A little. I'll just eat when I get home." I say grabbing my bag.

"Want me to walk you home?" Sanha asks following me out.

I shake my head. "I'm okay. I'll talk to you later." I smile slightly and Sanha walks me to the door of his apartment.

We say our goodbyes and I leave.

If I'm being honest, I'm feeling depressed. I've been feeling this way for a while for different reasons but at the moment it's hitting me hard because of this whole Sanha situation.

It feels as if the world is telling me not to date him because we both know if we get caught that means a lot of trouble for him.

I don't wanna be the one to do that. I don't want to possibly end his soon-to-be career. He's debuting soon for goodness sake.

I walk to the bus and wait.

When the bus arrives, I pay and look around for a seat only to find Eunwoo sitting alone with his headphones in. I tap his shoulder and he takes out an earbud and looks at me. He smiles and invites me to sit down.

I sit down and sigh.

"What's wrong?" Eunwoo immediately asks looking at me with concern in his eyes.

I smile at his worried expression. "Nothing, just life I guess. I'm tired." I laugh.

"How far is your house?" He asks.

"Like 20 minutes. It's in the neighborhood next to Fantagio." I say.

"Ahh. Then you can sleep and I'll wake you up when we get to your stop." Eunwoo motions towards his shoulder.

I smile weakly and give in. I rest my head on his shoulder and fall asleep.


I feel a nudge and wake up to find Eunwoo looking at me apologetically.

"미안해요...I fell asleep too and it seems we passed your stop..." Eunwoo says.

I stretch a little before responding, "That's okay. I can just get on another bus."

The bus stops after a few minutes and I get up to get off. Once I'm off, I realize that Eunwoo followed me.

"Why did you get off?" I ask looking up at him. I don't think I've ever fully taken in how tall he was. He's not as tall as Sanha but he's still towering over me.

"I'm gonna walk you home. It's late anyway." He says casually as he starts walking to the next bus stop.

"You really don't have to-"

"It's okay." Eunwoo smiles. He sits on the bench and waits with me.

"Ah, that's right, when's your play? The members want to come and watch." Eunwoo says looking up at the night sky.

"It's October 20th." I say taking out my phone to look at the time. It's 8:00 and I'm already super tired. I sigh.

"There you go again." He chuckles.

I look at him confused.

"You keep sighing. What's wrong? and don't tell me you're tired because I'm not buying it." He looks at me.

"For different reasons, I'm just feeling down, that's all." I say looking down to play with my hands.

"If you ever need to talk about anything just know I'm here and I'm willing to listen." He says

"Thanks, Eunwoo." I look up and smile at him.

"Lee Dongmin is my real name, you know. You should call me that." 'Dongmin' looks back up at the sky.


The bus arrives and we get on. I didn't bring headphones so Dongmin and I shared.

It only takes 10 minutes until we reach our stop. I get off first, and he followed.

The walk to my apartment was only another 10 minutes and most of the walk we just went side by side in silence admiring the night in all its glory.

Every now and then we would chat about random stuff like what our plans for the week were or what music we liked.

"Thanks for walking me home." I smile at him when we reach my apartment.

"It was my pleasure. We should hang out again sometime." He says.

"Of course~ When everyone's free we should all get something to eat."

"No...I mean we should hang out sometime. Like just us. Being with the guys is great, but I wanna get to know more about you." He smiles. "Well..anyway it's late. I should get going. 먼저 갈게요. (I'll go first.) Goodnight."

"Okay. I'll see you later then. Goodnight.." He walks away and I step into the building.

Just You and I (ASTRO Sanha)Where stories live. Discover now