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Before I know it my feet are moving fast and my heart beat is even faster.

I'm not sure the exact problem but I need to do something.

Soon enough, I'm in front of the Fantagio building.

The security is pretty heavy so I can't go in but I sit on the sidewalk next to the building, waiting and catching my breath.

After a minute, I see Sanha walking out.

"Sanha!" I stand up and yell unknowing of how loud my voice is.

Sanha keeps walking, not even flinching.

I run after him. I grab his shoulder and turn him around.

He looks at me wide eyed. Of course, he has his headphones in.

He takes them out.

"What are you doing here?" He asks confused.

"Come with me." I grab his wrist and pull him along.

"Where are we-"

"Don't ask questions." I say wiping a tear.

"Are you cryi-"

"I said don't ask questions!!" I say annoyed.

Something about seeing him makes me cry. I think about his smile and then think about how Chan said he has been sad. I don't want to him to be sad, I want to seem him smile more and be happy. I don't know what it will take but I have to try for now.

He stays silent as I pull him into a 노래방 (Karaoke Place).

I let go of his wrist for a second as he looks around confused.

I grab my wallet and pay the lady at the desk who shows us to our room.

"Thank you." I smile to her, walk in and the lady closes the door behind Sanha.

"I'm confused. What are we doing here?" He questions.

I sigh.

"You don't know when to shut up." I turn around and grab his face. He freezes. "So be quiet. You've been sad. I've been sad. We need this." I let go and grab a microphone to hand it to him.

I put on the first song which happens to be Uptown Funk.

I start singing first and soon Sanha joins in.

We forget about everything and just sing our hearts out, laughing and smiling together.

Seeing him laughing and smiling warms my heart. If he's happy, I'm happy.

During the third song we get tired from jumping and laughing so much that we end up just sitting on the couch letting the song play out.

"You were right. I did need this." Sanha laughs.

"See. I knew it." I say.

"But...can I ask?"

I look at him telling him to continue.

"You said you were sad...why? And how did you know I was sad?" Sanha asks.

"Chan told me you seemed like you were down in the dumps."

"And you're down in the dumps why?"

"You go first. Spill your heart out to me first and I'll tell you why I'm sad." I say.

He sighs. "Just...you. You've been avoiding me. You think I didn't notice?" He smirks and then it fades and he sighs again. "I really like you, you know. I had a hard time before I met you in all honesty. I was kinda bullied in school for being dorky. I didn't have many friends at school except for Rocky. But everything seemed to get better after I met you...and then for you to avoid me...it hurt."

"I'm sorry..." I say looking down.

Just You and I (ASTRO Sanha)Where stories live. Discover now